[RELEASE] [VOIP] pma-voice - Voice Chat using FiveM's built in mumble server

So how would I go about making a phone call system with this? Would I need esx or is there a standalone phone script I could use as well? I’m trying to keep my server as vmenu based as possible.

How to I tell which channel is a radio frequency for RP-radio?

No idea how the script works with OneSync Legacy, was designed around being used with OneSync Infinity.

Don’t think there’s a phone script released yet that supports pma-voice

so i have a question my server on one sync legacy and you just said it wasnet designed for one sync legacy so does mumble work with one sync legacy ???

and i tested it on my server you voice chat doesent work on one sync legacy

Alright thanks for the reply! I had high hopes haha

I think D-Phone supports PMA-Voice

how to force remove player from radio on server side ? i try this one TriggerEvent(‘pma-voice:setPlayerRadio’, source, 0) and the exports, but didnt seem works


so i’ve tried to change the ranges on the shared.lua file, but they don’t really change at all in game, they’re really quite bugged and even if i choose, say 1.0 as the normal range, people can still hear me from a mile away. Im not sure what im doing wrong. I’ll leave you my shared.lua and server cfg

if GetConvar(‘voice_useNativeAudio’, ‘false’) == ‘true’ then
– native audio distance seems to be larger then regular gta units
Cfg.voiceModes = {
{0.5, “Sussurra”}, – Whisper speech distance in gta distance units
{1.0, “Parla”}, – Normal speech distance in gta distance units
{5.0, “Urla”} – Shout speech distance in gta distance units
Cfg.voiceModes = {
{0.5, “Sussurra”}, – Whisper speech distance in gta distance units
{1.0, “Parla”}, – Normal speech distance in gta distance units
{5.0, “Urla”} – Shout speech distance in gta distance units

Server cfg

setr voice_useNativeAudio true
setr voice_useSendingRangeOnly true
setr voice_enableSubmix 1
setr voice_defaultVolume 1.5
setr voice_defaultCycle F1

Oh and before you ask, yes, i have restarted the server pretty much everytime i changed the values

So I dug into the code and added support for main channel subscription to talk and listen and secondary channel subscriptions to only listen, It’s pretty hardcoded to the specific radio resource we’re using so it could maybe break it for others.

Only issue I’m having now is that the phone and radio have the same submix effects even if their values are totally different, Is there something wrong with the feature?

Its tgiann-radio

yea same problem

I installed normally, put what is requested in my cfg and it just doesn’t work, voip doesn’t appear inside the game, would you know why?

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How do you edit the position of the UI?

hello, how i can desactivate the 3d effect when i use the mouse?

You would have to modify voice-ui and rebuild it.

I have no idea what you’re trying to ask.

so hi i have a question so does your script work on one sync legacy and es-extended plus essential mode

??? please help me