[RELEASE] [VOIP] pma-voice - Voice Chat using FiveM's built in mumble server

There was an issue that was addressed in the most recent update where if a person turns off their radio/leaves a phone call while someone is talking they have that person’s voice stuck.

Gotcha, that seemed like what was going on is they were picking people up and then never letting them go across the entire world.

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tnx mate will try it !

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Only thing I see in your script vs mumble voip is you have no UI to show voice range indicator. Do you have another script for that UI or a easy line of code to set that? I see you have the 3 voice ranges, but no UI for it so people know how far their talk range is set to.

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I’ll likely end up writing a UI since it seems to be the thing that most people have complained about.

Does it have radio effect? Like that background radio noice so you really have feeling like talking to wt.

Not currently, no. Haven’t dove into the submixs yet.

I’d love you forever, if you wrote up a UI for this.


Yeah, that would be so cool to have this. Then it would def beat mumble in all ways tho :sweat_smile::ok_hand:

UI was added in the latest release, expect there to be issues with calls (as I can’t test alone D:)

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MY man, we will test soon


How does one toggle between voice ranges? Not seeing it anywhere, I’ve tried every key combo I can think of.

Also, I still can’t seem to get radio clicks to work? Not sure what I’m doing wrong there…

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F11 (will add something to let you change the default key later)

Cheers! thanks! Will be testing today, will let you know if any issues

Seem’s like one of my exports was left in, I added some logic so it doesn’t error out which should fix radios.

For no support, you are killing it man. Out of all the resources out there, this one should be paid not most them others lmfao!

Thanks, I’ll test her out!

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It wasn’t a thing of ‘oh no support’ it’s I don’t want random people messaging me for support when there are other avenues to go like the forums, GitHub or worst-case scenario the Citizen’s discord (where I try to help as much as I can).

I also just don’t want people begging for more and more (everything I’ve added so far has been pretty mutually exclusive except for the UI, but a UI is needed for it’s more ‘massive’ adoption) because I help develop for a decently sized community whom all have pretty decent ideas themselves on what they want in the community/want from the community.

TLDR: I don’t want people begging for help, and for more features, and more, as it’s a public resource anyone is able to contribute :slight_smile:

I can’t win with FiveM… so we got everything setup and there are like 4 people that still hear everyones voice LOL… I really don’t know why only a select amount of people are having the issue.

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Ask them to cycle their outputs, a lot of the times that fixes it :man_shrugging:

We have tried that, also tried having them use /vsync to resync the voices. No luck. I assume its some kind of caching error or grid error. To me it seems like their clients aren’t detecting what grids they are apart of properly. We have had them try reinstalling everything, not sure if it could be network related to a port issue or something.