Ok, I was just wondering, I didnt want to break anything xD
The best implementation system would be a cache system. I will work on that tomorrow or next day possibly.
Thank you.
Any updates?
I’m working on cache as we speak as well as an SQL option so it’ll take a bit. Still have yet to test anything too. Will announce it when it’s out
Can’t wait!
Sorry for the big delay, had issues with my server. I still plan on getting this out eventually. Just need to do more things with my server before I can focus on fixes to my public scripts.
Completely understandable.
Very useful - Makes car perms so much easier for vMenu servers
I know right? This script is amazing! I just hope it gets updated soon to help with the lag issues that my server gets.
Any guess on when you may be able to release an update?
Does this save after a server restart, is the only way to add someone through in-game commands?
Only way to add is through in-game commands. This saves to a flat-file, so yes it saves after a restart.
Awesome love it! If there are lag issues is there a way I can delay the time between checks of ownership?
Just change the “Wait()” time
Still working on the current CFX Version?
Yes, it does work on newer CFX versions as far as I know.
so im having a issue when typing in /setOwner (ID) (spawnname) it doesnt say anything after i hit enter, i have made sure that i have the correct spawnname and still nothing. i have all the other commands like /trust ect. please help thanks bud
Make sure you give yourself the correct permission node to be able to run the setOwner command
whats the permission code? and where do i type it in? sorry still a little new
EDIT, I got it, now im having a issue saying ERROR: That vehicle is owned by someone already, then says use /clear [carspawnname] to clear its data. i did that and proceeded to /setOwner and it just keeps giving me the ERROR code