[Release] Vehicle thought system

i just tested really awsome.

@ExoticNx nice thks and if you can release the safe was wonderful wink

i would have but i lost the code for it :frowning:

You could try and make it that way, i don’t think it would be possible as it checks distance so you could put it all in one menu and just let them scroll through.

Nvm found the code i will be posting that along with my properties script since they go hand and hand

bro your are GREAT thanks for help the community

i dont know if its a bug but i cant open other peoples car i can only open the one i spawn
im using v menu and my friend as well he cant open mine i cant open his or is it like that?

hmm odd, dont have anyone to test it with so cant really help. i can open npc cars and other cars i spawn in all i can think of is its a vmenu thing??

Hey dude, can you tell me where i could change the font please ? thx for your time and your work. I’ve seen the line into GUI.LUA but I dont really know to what the font (1) value refers to.

its this

function GUI.Text(text, color, position)
	--print("option count : " .. optionCount .. " Current Option : " .. currentOption)
    local onScreen,_x,_y=World3dToScreen2d(position[1],position[2],position[3])
    local px,py,pz=table.unpack(GetGameplayCamCoords())
    SetTextScale(0.40, 0.40)
    SetTextDropshadow(500, 255, 255, 255, 255)
    SetTextColour(color[1], color[2], color[3], color[4])
    local factor = (string.len(text)) / 370

change SetTextFont(1) to another number its just gta 5 fonts.

1 Like

Thx a lot for your help. But unfortunately, same for me. Nothing showing up, I cannot open any car, I dont see anything.

Also, got no errors, nothing. Thx for your time

hold E

nice script, thanks for share

How do you get this to work on emergency vehicles?

it works on any vehicle. nothing special

hello, first of all thanks I really like the function but in the side doors it seems to me that there is very little space and it is uncomfortable both to open and close, I would like to know how I can make more distance between me and the right and left door

				if distanceToTrunk <= 1.5 then
					if GetVehicleDoorAngleRatio(vehicle, 5) <= 0.1 then
						TriggerEvent("VehicleInteraction:Option", "Open Trunk", {trunkpos.x, trunkpos.y, trunkpos.z + 0.3}, 1.5, function(cb)
							if(cb) then
								SetVehicleDoorOpen(vehicle, 5, false, false)
					elseif GetVehicleDoorAngleRatio(vehicle, 5) >= 0.1 then
						TriggerEvent("VehicleInteraction:Option", "Close Trunk", {trunkpos.x, trunkpos.y, trunkpos.z + 0.3}, 1.5, function(cb)
							if(cb) then
								SetVehicleDoorShut(vehicle, 5, false)

Change the 1.5 in if distanceToTrunk <= 1.5 then and TriggerEvent("VehicleInteraction:Option", "Close Trunk", {trunkpos.x, trunkpos.y, trunkpos.z + 0.3}, 1.5, function(cb)

to whatever you want it to be

@ExoticNx just got your script for some reason its set to left click so every time i open or close something it punches also anyway to change the key bud

hmm should be left click, but its the IsControlJustPressed(0, 46) i think