[RELEASE] v2: Fix holes and customize the map

Inside my resource called forfi-carshop when a player decides to start browsing the shop or switches between vehicles.

Oh okay i dont have any problem with the resource than im using cause when a player decides to open the menu the shop is cleared of vehicles.

Hello man how to make the door is closed (not enterable)? thanks

like this ?

ImportCEOGarage1.LoadDefault()             -- Arcadius Business Centre
ImportCEOGarage2.Part.Clear()             -- Maze Bank Building               /!\ Do not load parts Garage1, Garage2 and Garage3 at the same time (overlaping issues)
ImportCEOGarage3.LoadDefault()             -- Lom Bank                         /!\ Do not load parts Garage1, Garage2 and Garage3 at the same time (overlaping issues)
ImportCEOGarage4.Part.Clear()             -- Maze Bank West                   /!\ Do not load parts Garage1, Garage2 and Garage3 at the same time (overlaping issues)
ImportVehicleWarehouse.LoadDefault()       -- Vehicle warehouse: 994.5925, -3002.594, -39.64699

i dont understand it still bugy

@therumpirate: Are you editing bob74_ipl files?
You mustn’t edit any of these files.

You need to create your own resource:

  • Create a folder inside <server>\resources
  • Go into your folder and create a __resource.lua file
  • Create a client.lua file which will contain the code to interact with interiors
  • Add your resource to server.cfg (load it after bob74_ipl)

Then write this into your client.lua:

    ImportCEOGarage4 = exports['bob74_ipl']:GetImportCEOGarage4Object()

@hrdrules: Which door?
Some are made to be closed (like the different rooms in the bunker or the car showroom shutter) but some are just game objects that cannot simply be closed using ipls.
In the second case, you will either have to:

  • edit the map (ymap or the ybn collision file)
  • spawn an invisible object to prevent players from entering

Floyd Apartment, Lester house, Franklin aunt house?
And maybe some apartment the window is closed by a curtain or somethin else?

Unfortunately I have no idea how to close these doors :confused:
I’m not aware of any ipl doing this…

Hi everyone! Thanks for the awesome resource, Bob.

Has anyone had this issue with this IPL loader? I recently switched from FiveM IPL because of issues I was experiencing there, and everything else seems to load really nicely except for the inbred hillbilly house in Grapeseed.

Has anyone else experienced this and is there a known fix?

Odd, it is actually working for me:

Do you have any error in the console?

Otherwise, check if another script doesn’t remove these Ipls:

    -- Grapeseed's farm: 2447.9, 4973.4, 47.7

If it comes from another script, setting bob74_ipl at the bottom of server.cfg should do the trick.

For some weird reason, I edited the place where the real estate agency is, the interior, it was working perfectly, i changed it from the whit depressive office to the wooden one. It was perfect for a long time, but suddenly out of nowhere it became the old one again… no errors no nothing, and sometimes while im in there with other players, i suddenly loads the wooden one for me, and the players stay in the vanilla white one. i cant see them, but they can see me :p… It’s super weird, any idea why?

Is it possible to use this script to have multiple instances of some of the interiors? For instance, If I setup the bike clubhouse for one gang, and then I want another one for another biker gang, can I specify which ipl ‘object’ to go to? Or would I have to have to go to the co-ordinates and then somehow detect which one it loads?
This would mean only one gang could be in thee interior at a time though?

Further to this, both the clubhouse interiors ddon’t show the walls when I teleport into them? The first one has walls around the gragae area, but its see-through from the other side. Am I missing something?

same problem here !

@Squibsie: Hi, this script doesn’t provide any way to create instances but you should be able to achieve something similar:
When you’re teleporting a player into the interior, you can set the club you want to load (name, interior style, etc).
This way, depending on the teleporter the player will use, it will load the corresponding club interior.
Now the issue is, players will see the correct club for each one BUT they will see each others (even from other clubs).
To fix this, you’ll have to hide the other players based on the club you want to show to the current player.

It must be possible to do this but I don’t know exactly how.

For the clubs interiors, it looks like they aren’t loading at all.
Do you have any error message in your console after entering the server?

@baolinh: Same as Kairophe, does it still crash without bob74_ipl?

Is there a interior for Pillbox Medical?

Unfortunately, only the fake one and the destroyed version exists in the game.

This script loads the fake interior by default.

Darn, okay. Can’t really find a public resource for one that works. Thanks anyway!

i think it because i login when i near planting weed mod i think … i will try without bob_ipl :slight_smile:

So, you’re character is near the Port of Los Santos when logging? (the different farms are under the port)
I will try to change my spawn location to set it at the port and see if I’m crashing :wink:

Hello @Bob_74 , i’ve been trying to setup the meth lab since yesterday but i keep ending with this result :

For some reasons it seems the props are not loading properly.
Any idea how to fix this please ?