[RELEASE] v2: Fix holes and customize the map

help me

I’ve been having some issues using Rockstar Editor and bob74_ipl on the latest game build. Would it be possible for an update to bob74_ipl to assist with these issues where they are only being loaded in when you are nearby them and unloaded when you go away?

Hello! I hav a problem with casino penthouse and I want to ask you if i hav a problem with your script or not.

I hav coloured walls on penthouse!

ty :blush:

how can i enable Coroner office ?

I seem to be having an issue that it dosent work? im using ESX and its downloaded automatically with ESX but it dosent seem to do anything so im not sure if its disabled with the ESX setup or something???

It should already be enabled.

Tbh, I would suggest using this, it adds a ton of teleports and saves you the work

Have an interior that doesn’t have a teleporter? Easy. Use the teleporter script provided here and add them. Can add map blips too.

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Hello, does it add some trees to Legion Square? I have some trees that don’t belong there and don’t know where they come from.

Can somebody please help about this? Coords: 3084.98 -4704.64 15.25

I know that this is probably not the topic to ask this, but I cant seem to find answers anywhere. How can I make my custom ymap(not included in the game) be used by requestipl and removeipl?

a lot of the other interiors worked except for the Oneil Farms One.
The only way you can get inside is if you no clip thru the door.

Does anyone know how to find these props/entities that can be enabled inside an interior?

thank u soo so much!! you helped alot

Anyone know why i cant get the casino to load the server enforces game build 2186 and the casino wont load for anyone

How do I remove stuff that I dont want on my server?

I literally checked out every IPL and Pillbox script but still, my pillbox doors are jammed. I can’t go pass-through them until I use tpm or fly through it.
Please someone help me how to fix this door problem, if somebody knows please let me know

Will it work to load Cayo Perico with this ? If so could you add it ?

Through this into any client.lua and it should work

local requestedIpl = {"h4_islandairstrip", "h4_islandairstrip_props", "h4_islandx_mansion", "h4_islandx_mansion_props", "h4_islandx_props", "h4_islandxdock", "h4_islandxdock_props", "h4_islandxdock_props_2", "h4_islandxtower", "h4_islandx_maindock", "h4_islandx_maindock_props", "h4_islandx_maindock_props_2", "h4_IslandX_Mansion_Vault", "h4_islandairstrip_propsb", "h4_beach", "h4_beach_props", "h4_beach_bar_props", "h4_islandx_barrack_props", "h4_islandx_checkpoint", "h4_islandx_checkpoint_props", "h4_islandx_Mansion_Office", "h4_islandx_Mansion_LockUp_01", "h4_islandx_Mansion_LockUp_02", "h4_islandx_Mansion_LockUp_03", "h4_islandairstrip_hangar_props", "h4_IslandX_Mansion_B", "h4_islandairstrip_doorsclosed", "h4_Underwater_Gate_Closed", "h4_mansion_gate_closed", "h4_aa_guns", "h4_IslandX_Mansion_GuardFence", "h4_IslandX_Mansion_Entrance_Fence", "h4_IslandX_Mansion_B_Side_Fence", "h4_IslandX_Mansion_Lights", "h4_islandxcanal_props", "h4_beach_props_party", "h4_islandX_Terrain_props_06_a", "h4_islandX_Terrain_props_06_b", "h4_islandX_Terrain_props_06_c", "h4_islandX_Terrain_props_05_a", "h4_islandX_Terrain_props_05_b", "h4_islandX_Terrain_props_05_c", "h4_islandX_Terrain_props_05_d", "h4_islandX_Terrain_props_05_e", "h4_islandX_Terrain_props_05_f", "H4_islandx_terrain_01", "H4_islandx_terrain_02", "H4_islandx_terrain_03", "H4_islandx_terrain_04", "H4_islandx_terrain_05", "H4_islandx_terrain_06", "h4_ne_ipl_00", "h4_ne_ipl_01", "h4_ne_ipl_02", "h4_ne_ipl_03", "h4_ne_ipl_04", "h4_ne_ipl_05", "h4_ne_ipl_06", "h4_ne_ipl_07", "h4_ne_ipl_08", "h4_ne_ipl_09", "h4_nw_ipl_00", "h4_nw_ipl_01", "h4_nw_ipl_02", "h4_nw_ipl_03", "h4_nw_ipl_04", "h4_nw_ipl_05", "h4_nw_ipl_06", "h4_nw_ipl_07", "h4_nw_ipl_08", "h4_nw_ipl_09", "h4_se_ipl_00", "h4_se_ipl_01", "h4_se_ipl_02", "h4_se_ipl_03", "h4_se_ipl_04", "h4_se_ipl_05", "h4_se_ipl_06", "h4_se_ipl_07", "h4_se_ipl_08", "h4_se_ipl_09", "h4_sw_ipl_00", "h4_sw_ipl_01", "h4_sw_ipl_02", "h4_sw_ipl_03", "h4_sw_ipl_04", "h4_sw_ipl_05", "h4_sw_ipl_06", "h4_sw_ipl_07", "h4_sw_ipl_08", "h4_sw_ipl_09", "h4_islandx_mansion", "h4_islandxtower_veg", "h4_islandx_sea_mines", "h4_islandx", "h4_islandx_barrack_hatch", "h4_islandxdock_water_hatch", "h4_beach_party"}

	for i = #requestedIpl, 1, -1 do
		requestedIpl[i] = nil
	requestedIpl = nil

	while true do
		SetRadarAsInteriorThisFrame(`h4_fake_islandx`, vec(4700.0, -5145.0), 0, 0)

	local islandLoaded = false
	local islandCoords = vector3(4840.571, -5174.425, 2.0)
	while true do
		local pCoords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
		if #(pCoords - islandCoords) < 2000.0 then
			if not islandLoaded then
				islandLoaded = true
				Citizen.InvokeNative(0xF74B1FFA4A15FBEA, 1)
			if islandLoaded then
				islandLoaded = false
				Citizen.InvokeNative(0xF74B1FFA4A15FBEA, 0)

Just a heads up, on beta Build 2612 the bunker exterior doors might not load up

open the client you should find the code and disable it so it can’t load the prop, sorry for my bad english i hope you understand what i mean :slight_smile:

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Is there a way to make the tuner garage position like an mlo? after the LS Tuners
TunerGarage.LoadDefault() – -1350.0, 160.0, -100.0

Its currently under the golf course.