[RELEASE] [UPDATED 19.12.2019] Stress System with logs by utku, esx_status

Eger github da paylastigim server.lua daki kodu kullaniyorsan esx_basicneeds icin, boyle bir sorun yasamiyor olman lazim. Onu bir kontrol et eger ayniysa bana esx_basicneeds/server.lua yi at, inceleyim.

Server.lua’m : https://pastebin.com/TZbTffPQ

bunun basicneeds server lua olduğuna emin misin? içinde ne hunger ne thirst register ları var

hunger, thrist ve stress barları server.lua’da değil client.lua’da. Benden server.lua istemiştiniz…
Client lua: https://pastebin.com/kLHGMpat

Doğru pardon,

TriggerEvent('esx_status:registerStatus', 'stress', 1000000, '#cadfff',
            return true
        end, function(status)

sayıyı bir milyon değilde şöyle yap: 100000

Dediğin gibi yaptım ama aynı şekilde hala ilk girişte stress barı full bir şekilde geliyor. Ben disc-hud’dan kaynaklandığını düşünüyorum.

Çıkış yaparken 0 stres olsa bile yine hep girişte full mu geliyor?

karakter scripti kullanıyor musun

maybe some @element can tell all this people to SPEAK IN ENGLISH since it’s an english community? :expressionless:

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Yes, sorry for that, we later realized we were talking in Turkish in post.

Did somebody got this to work with a bar?

well I did it with disc-hud, it’s pretty easy actually

Big update:

  • Optional log system
  • no longer editing esx_basicneeds (unless you want admin commands)
  • client exports to easily add or remove stress from other resources

Go check the Github

Can you share your “disc-hud” for stress bar?

you could publish the stress script without the steps since I am unable to do it thanks

where did you stuck?

I ended up deleting it because nothing but vibrations are emitted to me

there are only 2 explanations why that can happen: 1- you didn’t installed it as it should be, 2- you don’t have esx_staus

How could I place relaxation areas? to lower stress

Pick a locations and find it’s coords then determine it’s area of effect radius, create a simple resource that checks if players have entered it, when they do lower their stress by using exports