[Release] Ultimate Troll Script - Troll Those Players! [1.0]

can you tell me where? client or server?

Read the post.

Thank you <3

I found a bug :)))) where can I tell you?

Here is fine.

Not gonna lie, it’s fake af. It only trolls you. None of the other players were affected.

The event triggers for all. Plus tested with a server of 20.

In before anyone asks does this work with ESX or VRP or Tacos or burritos or enchiladas or tequila (mmmm) or a rainy day on the beach with sauce and french fries… asking for a friend.

PS: Good work sir, thank you!

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Thanks this is going to be so fun to use

ummmm. Jesus.

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So does the troll options effect you when you use them. And to stop the troll options do you just hit the same key bind?

The website dont work, how do i give myself perms?

how to setup permissions?

Who search the permissions the docs document is not available but i tried something and work paste this in your server.cfg down


add_ace identifier.license:>yourlicense<“FTroll” allow


Add system admins

add_ace group.admin command allow # allow all commands
add_ace group.admin command.quit deny # but don’t allow quit

i hope i can help with this :slight_smile:

I’ve try to use this line

add_ace identifier.license:>yourlicense<“FTroll” allow

but I’m still not in permission list

v I need to use this form right? v
add_ace identifier.license:steamId “FTroll” allow right?

yes or with identifier you need to try wich works

Sooo, how do i ad so i have Permissions to use it?

Is there an update for the docs? Says “Cannot GET /docs/aceperms.html” when I try

Hey, good spot!

is not working for me i put the perms and started the script? what do i do

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