Can anyone help me figure out why for some of the guns it doesn’t display the image in the bottom right corner just a the little image icon showing you its referrencing a image. i tried replacing the weapon images to different pngs and also tried finding the cod that reference the weapon image but havent had any luck

You can configure it on the config file. in the trew hud files

yes you can search it i think on the css and remove all the things with the name speedometer

  1. getting error in my console.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'toLocaleString' of undefined (@trew_hud_ui/html/app.js:105)

  1. and my wallet has money but, hud showing wallet money ’ $0 ’ (Bank money and other things work properly.)

if anyone know how to fix it?
Thank you!

1 Like

I have the same issue. hope someone has an ide what is the problem.

Same … hope someone can look in to this and find a fix.
I just can’t find it, my wallet_cash stays at 0 while it isn’t.

(Using ESX 1)

Can someone help please ?

i have this script in mine but only the car speed HUD shows and to get the money and job HUD to show i need to do /toggleui twice. Also there is no weapon status or speaking status showing up. when my car dies and i do a /repair while moving i get thrown out the car and on my roof. I dont know whats causing this issue so i am thinking about moving to a new HUD but i like this one more. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks :slight_smile:

Check the github and look at the change someone made for ESX2, revert the change and it works.

How is this fixed? Money shows 0 while it’s not & the error in console.

Can someone help


I have the same issue. I thin is about the “CITIZEN” folder, but I didn’t found anything yet.

Hello Guys, I am bit new with FiveM Dev. Sorry for some stupid question :slight_smile:

I am stuck with this issue on every plugins that expects ESX any idea how to fix it please?


I used this ESX : https://github.com/esx-framework/es_extended

& This Trew HUD : GitHub - vortisrd/trew_hud_ui: User Interface created originally for ESX and then adapted for VRP/VRPEX.

What is the best locking system for this HUD?
I have tried esx_locksystem, it doesn’t seem to work with this script? Is there a way to implement it in the config?

is there a way to disable the car hud (speedometer) only?

Has anyone been able to figure out the CSS to make it so the Status’s show on the left vertically and when the map comes on move to the side of the map?

hi vortis I have installed your resource and I have to congratulate you, but a little help would be needed, I would need to enter the health of the machine that of the drinks when you get drunk that of the stress that I have already configured and that of the lungs, you could tell me riche I have to add and where thanks

Hello, I add the HUD like it says to but I get this error !

Can I get some help please?

does this work with ESX 2.0 ?

When i start my server i take this error. how can i fix?
