Hey bro!
How can I add the club society label? could you guide me a bit?

Hi mate, i really like your edit, can you please send me that file, an also job counter file if you don’t mind thanks in advanced.

hello brother, yes, here I attach the files, we are here to help! whatever you need, call me ! OnlineJobs.rar (4.2 KB) main.css (1.8 KB) ui.html (1 KB) pd: badulake’s work has been added in onlinejobs, you can remove it if you want, by editing client / main.lua and also edit html ui

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Anyone know how to remove the voice? not just the hud be completely remove it

thank you so much @Max_Tube appreciate your help i will try now and let you know how it goes.

i would like to know how can i change the $ sign

How do i move a logo?

hey i have a problem, it says jobname , what should i do? (ESX)

Hola amigo, yo trabajo con esx y ya hice al pie de la letra todo lo que dices pero no me funciona me sale error con este documento __resource.lua me puedes ayudar ??

how the date changes?

Does anyone know how to optimize this script? It’s a common "trew hud ui"

what time is the date updated? or how is it updated?

Optimized version anyone?

why cant i display my player status

fiveM says he is missing a friend source.lua

Hey man, not sure if you have already found a solution, but if you are still looking for one this should help.

  1. Get A Fresh Reinstall Of esx_basicneeds and esx_status (Only If You Edited Them)
  2. Once done navigate to esx_status and delete the html folder located inside

Hope this helps and fixes your issue!

Is there a way to:

1: Make it so it starts with just showing your Health/Armor/Hunger/Thirst/Stamina rather then showing the whole hud?
2: Move the toggled HUD to the bottom left under the minimap?


  1. Go to config.lua and edit lines 32-67 to your liking
  2. Go into the main.css file and change the locations of the elements onscreen.
    Hope this helps!

Disconnected 7_17_2020 9_23_39 PM

Don’t know why I am getting this error. Tried changing dependencies but no result

I have the same problem, the script is taking so much resources

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