[Release] TrainSportation ~ Drive & Be a Passenger in a train!

Unfortunately no, can’t make resources at the moment my local server isn’t working properly. Was trying to work on my servermanagement resource but can’t finish that either :s I’m sure you can look at other delivery scripts to see how they work.

oh ok…sad to hear…hope you can fix it fast :wink:

i search now for 1week also try to use delivery scripts to modify but i didnt get into it and dont get it to work.
nvm thx anyway for that GREAT scripte <3

is it possible to replace the default train in the script

Is there a way to ride the train without driving it…?

@Lex_The_Great Hi, it’s possible to make this train in automatic.

I’m looking for a train that spawn alone at the launch of the server and that runs in a loop?

Thks before.

Regars, Mike.

You don’t want this resource to do that, you want this one instead:

Bear two things in mind when using it:

  1. It doesn’t work great, multiple people on the server seems to make the trains disappear, I don’t know what’s going on with it but a couple of my friends and I played around with it a lot and could never figure out why they would disappear.

  2. You can’t get support in the topic because it’s locked.

Issues on our server :

  • After exiting the train W/S still accelerates.
  • The radius for “press t to spawn the train” is outrageously too big.
  • No formal way to remove the train(At least to my knowledge.)

This was only created to drive trains! Spawning trains is something that other resources should do! As long as therr is a train, this resource will allow you to enter them, even if they were spawned in another.

That shouldn’t happen lol… There is a problem where the AI takes over the train after you get out of it. Is that what you are referring to? This is only for entering trains and driving them. The current spawn points are for testing, and are able to be disabled when used alongside something that spawns trains, and creates goals for the train driver.

Nope, no ai take the train over. It only happens on rare times where some people get out the W/S keys still accelerate the train. We even tried it and made sure it did and it was.

It looks like that can be controled via line 12 of config.lua:

Config.DrawDistance = 100.0

depends on what you mean, if the freight loco yes, i haven’t had luck with rolling stock.

if you want to change the full train that spawns you can change the mission train, i’ve only been able to get a few working

Config.TrainLocations = {
	--{ ['x'] = 670.2056,  ['y'] = -685.7708,  ['z'] = 25.15311, ['trainID'] = 23, ['trainX'] = 670.2056, ['trainY'] = -685.7708, ['trainZ'] = 25.15311 }, -- FTrain ( container(filled/empty) )
	--{ ['x'] = 670.2056,  ['y'] = -685.7708,  ['z'] = 25.15311, ['trainID'] = 19, ['trainX'] = 670.2056, ['trainY'] = -685.7708, ['trainZ'] = 25.15311 }, -- FTrain (fuel x2)
	--{ ['x'] = 670.2056,  ['y'] = -685.7708,  ['z'] = 25.15311, ['trainID'] = 6, ['trainX'] = 670.2056, ['trainY'] = -685.7708, ['trainZ'] = 25.15311 }, -- FTrain ( 2 contrainer fill / 1 container empty / 1 fuel )
	--{ ['x'] = 670.2056,  ['y'] = -685.7708,  ['z'] = 25.15311, ['trainID'] = 17, ['trainX'] = 670.2056, ['trainY'] = -685.7708, ['trainZ'] = 25.15311 }, -- FTrain ( container LARGE!!!! )
	--{ ['x'] = 670.2056,  ['y'] = -685.7708,  ['z'] = 25.15311, ['trainID'] = 18, ['trainX'] = 670.2056, ['trainY'] = -685.7708, ['trainZ'] = 25.15311 }, -- FTrain ( engine only )
	{ ['x'] = 253.29,  ['y'] = -2613.3,  ['z'] = 6.0, ['trainID'] = 15, ['trainX'] = 256.31, ['trainY'] = -2607.17, ['trainZ'] = 6.85 }, -- FTrain (boxcar / container)
	--{ ['x'] = 670.2056,  ['y'] = -685.7708,  ['z'] = 25.15311, ['trainID'] = 7, ['trainX'] = 670.2056, ['trainY'] = -685.7708, ['trainZ'] = 25.15311 }, -- FTrain (containers full/empty)
	--{ ['x'] = 670.2056,  ['y'] = -685.7708,  ['z'] = 25.15311, ['trainID'] = 2, ['trainX'] = 670.2056, ['trainY'] = -685.7708, ['trainZ'] = 25.15311 }, -- FTrain (Containers / boxcar / fuel)
	--{ ['x'] = 670.2056,  ['y'] = -685.7708,  ['z'] = 25.15311, ['trainID'] = 22, ['trainX'] = 670.2056, ['trainY'] = -685.7708, ['trainZ'] = 25.15311 }, -- FTrain (Containers empty)
	--{ ['x'] = 670.2056,  ['y'] = -685.7708,  ['z'] = 25.15311, ['trainID'] = l_4, ['trainX'] = 670.2056, ['trainY'] = -685.7708, ['trainZ'] = 25.15311 }, -- FTrain (2 empty containers)

trainID changes mission train

is there a way to put trains especially trolley to move by itself and make stops
at stations for some seconds and then start move again?

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I’ve got a quick question. I’ve added an add-on train. The script works perfectly, only the train spawns in the tracks, not on it. (http://prntscr.com/ki0dph). Is there any way I can fix this?

Thanks in advance,


Hey, I have exact the same problem anyone? with the train spawning halfway under the map

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Hi, I love this script for my next episode of my zombie series DARK CLAWS. I would like to know if there would be any way to change the vehicle. I mean, instead of being the subway that could be changed by the goods train with the big cabin with rods on the sides and fans above I hope to express myself well haha

Thanks for resource works fine, but there is a little but. Why can I not go in and out of the doors as passenger in the metro train, even if they are open? Hope for help :slight_smile:

you got double Config.MarkerType = 1 in config.lua. Just wanna let you know bit useless have it twice in it ^^

I downloaded the latest feature update, put it on my server
more does not appear the icons and nor place of the circle to catch Train
Can someone help me?

@Sr_lazaro inside the config you can change the trait ID. This is what is used to spawn the trains.

@SorensenDK The doors open but I don’t know why the invis wall is there… If someone is driving the Metro then you can press F to get into it as a passenger. Otherwise I’m not sure what is going on with the doors.

@CLOS The latest update put the Debug Spawning into the config file under Config.Debug. It’s off by default so that other resources can handle the spawning. Check out TrainJob, or enable Debug in the config to get the other spawns back!

I made the 3 Drops points
I arrived at the main station
I pressed G thinking that he would get another TRAIN plus he made another appear
as the picture shows

What key is this in the description: KP8 = Delete train ped is looking at.