[Release] ToggleID

Does this disable the names overhead

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I want PIC, PLEASE…:sob::triumph::heart_eyes:

Yes, It only shows the Player’s ID when Z is pressed.


If you can take one then I can put it in :wink:

OK i got the point no need for a pic…Sorry
Love U :poop:

All good :stuck_out_tongue:

How do you make it with DB id instead of the number you joined the server?

how to change it

Could someone help me with scaling the ID to be larger? I’m lost as to which part of the code controls the font size. Thanks!

if onScreen then
        SetTextScale(0.0*scale, 0.55*scale)

SetTextScale(0.0scale, 0.55scale) edit this

I was like what the hell lol

Awesome, thanks so much.

Is the ID being displayed in the sequence that players enter the server has how to display the actual database ID? sorry about my English…:sweat_smile:

This is not the database ID. It shows their server ID.

If you use the default scoreboard, their IDs are to the left of their names.

Is there anyway I can change the default key?

Line 39 and 83 - Use this for key codes : https://docs.fivem.net/game-references/controls/

Thanks for that, I was struggling to find the key number-

Hello, I am using your code and it is perfect, what I would like is that how do I work with:

if IsControlJustPressed(0, Keys['F9']) and Toggle == true then

I have changed the code, I have modified it a bit and it does not work for me, it continues using the:

if IsControlPressed(1, 197) then

I have also tried the Released, but I do not like it, what I would like is to use the JustPressed for when I press it to stay toggle: active/disactive

Thanks :smiley:

Yea, just remove this:

and GetPlayerPed( id ) ~= GetPlayerPed( -1 ))

In line 44 and you should be good.

I can’t manage to show my own id, any ideas?