TigoAntiCheat 3.0 (BETA) | FiveM AntiCheat by PoodFood | VPN & Country Blokker included

You can use this with vRP also you just need to edit the file “esx_fake_events.lua” and add the vRP events you whish to block see above comments for a list of exploitable events

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I’m going to add these events to the AntiCheat later, but what you said is possable and right

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add_ace group.admin tigoanticheat.bypass allow
add_ace group.admin tigoanticheat.commands allow

set tigoanticheat.bypassenabled true

Then admin’s won’t be banned and can’t be banned at all by TigoAntiCheat.

thank you all for the help

where i put in the add_ace ?

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In your server.cfg file.
Helpfull link: Basic Aces & Principals overview/guide


So do we need ESX ??

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Nice Realese, Like the concept!

But, So this means you just gotta change esx_ to tac_ when injecting? Isnt that a little bit to obvious and easy for the injectors to change? And really, If they do a server dump they have all the ‘working’ event names again?

Great Job!!

can you made vRP version Please :pleading_face::pleading_face:

thank you :heart:

Is this AntiCheat helpfull by LynxMenu or Brutan?

I have now received a number of menus Lynx, Brutan etc and will looking at there source code and block them in all possible ways.

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You don’t need ESX to use this, it doesn’t use external dependencies. He is only currently focused on ESX events. I am going to change this so he will also ban on vRP events.

i just tried it and got banned before i even joined my server, it says

The player has tried to call ‘esx: triggerServerCallback’
any idea where is this coming from?
great release anyway

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In order to use this anticheat, all esx: , esx_ etc. must be renamed. The anticheat replaces esx_... server calls to perm bans.

Change e.g. esx_drugs to tac_drugs (only EventHandlers , ClientEvents and ServerEvents , leave resource folder just the orignal resource name example: esx_drugs ).

thanks :heart:

randomly banning people for no reason for god mod

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hi, very nice script.
But after installing it on my server, a lot of my players are banned for god mod. A bug ? I do not know. Is there a way to deactivate the godmod function?

its a pretty slopy anti-cheat but there are better anticheats. how are Blacklistet Triggers. Injection detection, External DB Injection, Wallhack, Detection ?etc… will that comming soon ???

Ok question. How do i setup for anticheat to not ban the players and only kick

Thanks for reporting this, I will check this out, I its possible that there is a little bug in the anti godmode, I will check this out tomorrow.