[Release] Tackle System


ahahahahahahaa this is hilarious

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Update to 0.2

– Fixed major bug (Thanks to @Flatracer)
– Added configurable option to ragdoll yourself when tackling someone (Default = true)


Update to 0.3

– Complete rewrite (Thanks @Flatracer once again :stuck_out_tongue: )
– You can only tackle if jumping
– People only get tackled if you touch them while tackling

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:scream: You have a test person, how does that work??? I need that :stuck_out_tongue:

FlatracerMOD_Test aka my shitty laptop


Second account for testing. Y̶e̶a̶h̶ ̶y̶a̶ ̶g̶o̶t̶t̶a̶ ̶b̶u̶y̶ ̶g̶t̶a̶ ̶a̶g̶a̶i̶n̶, but for ppl like me its easier than finding a tester. My friends are mainly on ps4 still. Built my bro a pc last nite, so he can get on fivem. :sunglasses:


You don’t have to buy GTA again…
You can login with one account on both clients without problems…

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Really? Well shit. Oh well. Lol.

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Just give one account to your brother, so both of you can play GTA:Online together :smile:

True. My test server on my local host is connected to a DB so logging in twice with the same account gave me issues. Should use a vanilla for testing. But since im testing updates to a live server cant really do the vanilla.

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Its running great on my end, Just one issue, Lmao, when someone is cuffed they can tackle the othe rperson, Now I was thinking if there was a way to tie if they are cuffed to disable a key

Not really an issue with the script :stuck_out_tongue: You could add this to your cuff script: https://runtime.fivem.net/doc/reference.html#_0x128F79EDCECE4FD5

Look at @Flatracer 's reply below.

(If you need help send me the cuff script you are using)

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CAN_PED_RAGDOLL(...) just returns if he can ragdoll or not.

Better use this:

SET_PED_CAN_RAGDOLL(PlayerPedId(), false) --If Cuffed
SET_PED_CAN_RAGDOLL(PlayerPedId(), true) --If not Cuffed

yea didn’t really think it was an issue, just something I think I’ll need to add on my own I guess

Depending on your cuff script, you can replace line 6 of >>v3<< with this:

		if IsPedJumping(PlayerPedId()) and IsControlJustPressed(0, tackleKey) and not IsPedCuffed(PlayerPedId()) and not IsEntityPlayingAnim(PlayerPedId(), 'mp_arresting', 'idle', 3) then
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Does not work for me, is this FXserver only?

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There is nothing else than FXServer, so yes… FXServer only

This worked for me on my ESX, I just added the “and not” parts to my original and worked appreciate it :slight_smile: