[RELEASE] [STANDALONE] Speedometer - Simple but cool speedometer

Hello, hope you like this script!

KM/H and MP/H Speed
Speed goes orange when you go past 100 km/h (60 mp/h) and it goes red when you go past 140 km/h (85 mp/h)
It shows the current vehicle plate
It shows what radio you are listening to
It shows how much fuel you got
It shows in what gear you vehicle is

Click for video

Mediafire (1.46KB)

Download old version: (use this if you have any problems with the new one)
Only Direct Link (Mediafire)


Does this not flicker? If so, change Citizen.Wait(1) to Wait(0). Also, I suggest using PlayerPedId() vs GetPlayerPed(-1) and also only call that once

local ped = PlayerPedId()

-- use ped variable when calling other natives

ok, thanks for the advice, i just updated it, have a great day :snail:

It looks nice but i think AlexMihai made one like that 8 months ago :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice :slight_smile:

This doesn’t work i get this error

Warning: Resource speedometer does not specify an "fx_version` in fxmanifest.lua.
Couldn’t start resource speedometer.

Hello try this __resource.lua (102 Bytes) i guess you didn’t update you’re server natives!

How would I change it to MPH?

any idea on how to make it so it only displays whilst in cars?