For anyone who needs a menu, this is a basic menu for it, just add it to the resources and do “start EMSMenu” in your server cfg (1.0 KB) the button is f3 to open it. If @Xerxes468893 would like to pack this menu with the script you may do that as well.
@Xerxes468893When i got this and did the / to spawn the strecher it was a brown blop
If it was a brown bag looking thing then you didnt stream the custom stretcher model provided, download it and put it in your resources folder and put start stretcher
in your server.cfg
Read the message above ^^
do we currently have the cords for candi’s stretcher?
Someone could have found the right XYZ for the candy stretcher to candice ?
Thanks for this great script but my only problem is that i can seem to find the coord to change the rotation when holding the stretcher.
Example of whats happening
also these coords may help with candi’s stretcher you may need to adjust them a little bit
0, 0.07, 0.25, 1.29, 0.0, 0.0, -183.0, 0.0
where did you find this stretcher?
You need to check the past posts about how to change the coords, or just use the old prop
Check my message above
Would you mind sharing those coordinates? And is that prop public?
Bro u r Food Hud Is Really Nice can u pls Send ME the Link @PeterGreek
Thank You…
It was on the forums, idk look for it.
Bro iam new to fivem pls give me the link bro @PeterGreek
Trying to make the stretcher fit in my ambulance models but it just hangs out the back. Any clue as to what dummy or collision the stretcher relies on?
Sir Your Food Hud Is Really Nice can u pls Send ME the Link @PeterGreek
Thank You…
Is this possable with esx?
and so yea the command don’t works
Just add it to the ambulancejob menu
{label = (‘Stretcher Interaction’), value = ‘stretcher’}
{label = _U(‘ems_menu’), value = ‘citizen_interaction’}
if data.current.value == ‘stretcher’ then
ESX.UI.Menu.Open(‘default’, GetCurrentResourceName(), ‘citizen_interaction’, {
title = _U(‘ems_menu_title’),
align = ‘top-left’,
elements = {
{label = (‘Spawn Stretcher’), value = ‘spawn_str’},
{label = (‘Push Stretcher’), value = ‘push_str’},
{label = (‘Toggle Stretcher’), value = ‘toggle_str’},
{label = (‘Open Baydoors’), value = ‘open_baydoors’}
}}, function(data, menu)
if data.current.value == ‘spawn_str’ then
elseif data.current.value == ‘push_str’ then
elseif data.current.value == ‘toggle_str’ then
elseif data.current.value == ‘open_baydoors’ then
end, function(data, menu)
Under the
ESX.UI.Menu.Open(‘default’, GetCurrentResourceName(), ‘mobile_ambulance_actions’, {
title = _U(‘ambulance’),
align = ‘top-left’,
elements = {
{label = _U(‘ems_menu’), value = ‘citizen_interaction’},
{label = (‘Stretcher Interaction’), value = ‘stretcher’}
}}, function(data, menu)
You can use ClearPedTasksImmediately()
. Like this:
if not IsEntityPlayingAnim(pedid, 'anim@heists@box_carry@', 'idle', 3) then
TaskPlayAnim(pedid, 'anim@heists@box_carry@', 'idle', 8.0, 8.0, -1, 50, 0, false, false, false)
if IsPedDeadOrDying(pedid) or IsControlJustPressed(0, 73) then
DetachEntity(strObject, true, true)