[Release] [Standalone] FixterJail

To start off I will be very clear, this is DOJ’s jail script.
I am the original author of this script and am no longer in DOJ so I’m releasing this to the world, just with a new name.

This script was built with requirements specific to DOJ, so there are some things in this script that may not perfectly fit your server.


  • NUI jail ‘computer’ at Sandy, Paleto, Mission Row, and Bolingbroke.
  • Automatic escape detection with sentences being extended by 60 seconds.
  • Jailing is based off server id.
  • Time is capped at 600 seconds (DOJ Requirement).

I do plan to rewrite a lot of this script at some point in the future, implementing many changes to make it more usable for a larger amount of servers. Feel free to reply with any ideas or feedback. At the current time it has not been touched in multiple months but figured I’d go ahead and release it and update this post as I work on it.

Credits: Tom K. for NUI design and implementation.

Download: Releases Page

Repo: Github Repo

Bugs: Please report an issue on the github issues page.


Moved it for you, seeming you cant :heart:


Great release bro!

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Seems good I’ll try later :smiley:

And I know that this is a question that asks everyone, but it would be nice to have some Screenshots
(because I go to work and can’t download it now and Test it…)

Have a nice day! :mascot: :hammer:

If standalone, how you define which user will be able to jail?

You could read it or use your brain.

how can i open the ui

You better go back to minecraft, FiveM isn’t for you dude. English aswell.

HAHAHAHA there is nothing wrong with what I said. You clearly have no idea about “English” since I can see 4 mistakes in your message. Next time you want to call someone out for “English”, you might want to check your own.

Back on topic

@Steven_P Did you go to one of the 4 locations?

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yes i did

lol im dumb. i forgot to upload the saved server.cfg to start the resource. thanks anyway lol

Ah haha. That’ll do it.

When i click close i cant do nothing, any help?

is there anyway to make it so it wont be capped at 600 seconds?

As I stated in the original post I plan to make modifications to the script to make it more usable for the majority of servers, just haven’t started that yet.

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I simply asked from where the system itself detects if the player has the job ‘Police’ in ESX or vRP; You better open your mind and think wider.

@Orel240hz You are the one in the wrong lol. Stop trying to look cool/smart.

I’m not, I’m seriously asking if it’s written upon server ID, how it detects if the player has the correct job? I don’t get it :thinking:

it doesn’t detect a job, it’s standalone meaning it’s not setup for the jobs in ESX or vRP, literally everyone can access it I believe. Last I checked in the DoJ server I could and I was a civilian so yeah :man_shrugging:

any screenshots?