[ABANDONED] FeedM - Customisable native feed notifications

ABANDONED. Successor is here


Customisable native feed notifications for FiveM.


  • Uses native UI
  • Designed to emulate the native GTA:O feed system
  • Can be positioned anywhere on screen unlike the native GTA:O notifications
  • Customisable colors, fonts, etc
  • Standard and advanced notifications
  • Animated stacking and fading
  • Supports reverse stacking for positioning at top of screen
  • Supports message formatting
  • Supports queuing and filtering duplicate notifications

Demo Videos


Trigger notification from client

TriggerEvent("FeedM:showNotification", Message, Interval, Type)

Trigger notification from server

TriggerClientEvent("FeedM:showNotification", source, Message, Interval, Type)

Trigger advanced notification from client

TriggerEvent("FeedM:showAdvancedNotification", Title, Subject, Message, Icon, Interval, Type)

Trigger advanced notification from server

TriggerClientEvent("FeedM:showAdvancedNotification", source, Title, Subject, Message, Icon, Interval, Type)

Available params

  • Message - the main message text you want to display
  • Interval - The duration in ms you want the notification to be displayed
  • Type - Determines the bg color of the message box (primary, success, warning, danger)
  • Title - The title of the notification (advanced only)
  • Subject - The subject of the notification (advanced only)
  • Icon - The icon to be used (advanced only). A list of available icons can be found here.

Client Functions

Show notification

exports.FeedM:ShowNotification(Message, Interval, Type)

Show advanced notification

exports.FeedM:ShowAdvancedNotification(Title, Subject, Message, Icon, Interval, Type)

ESX Users

You can override es_extended to use FeedM notifications by editing es_extended/client/functions.lua and adding the exports functions:

ESX.ShowNotification = function(msg)

ESX.ShowAdvancedNotification = function(title, subject, msg, icon, iconType)
    exports.FeedM:ShowAdvancedNotification(title, subject, msg, icon)

See GitHub repo for further documentation.



Other Releases


Thanks for sharing this!

1 Like

No problem. Hope you find it useful!

its not working for me

Also doesn’t work.
“version” is “FXServer-master v1.0.0.2503 linux”

What version are you using? Type version in the console (F8). There seems to be a problem with some versions of Linux for some reason.

would be nice to see also HTML style so people could use custom fonts not just gta fonts :wink:

1 Like

Nice work !!
I love your hud, can you share it please?

I want to replace this default message:
ESX.ShowNotification(_U(‘my own message here’))
TriggerClientEvent(“FeedM:showAdvancedNotification”, source, “my own message here”, Subject, Message, “CHAR_CARSITE”, Interval, Type)

but is not working :frowning:

Thats cause the client event you have written is wrong. You don’t even have everything defined that needs to be.

Cool release!

Use TriggerEvent instead of TriggerClientEvent :slight_smile:

1 Like

Because ESX.ShowNotification() is a client-side trigger and TriggerClientEvent(“FeedM:showAdvancedNotification”) is a server-side trigger that won’t work in a client-side script.


Trigger notification from client

TriggerEvent("FeedM:showNotification", Message, Interval, Type)

Trigger notification from server

TriggerClientEvent("FeedM:showNotification", source, Message, Interval, Type)

Trigger advanced notification from client

TriggerEvent("FeedM:showAdvancedNotification", Title, Subject, Message, Icon, Interval, Type)

Trigger advanced notification from server

TriggerClientEvent("FeedM:showAdvancedNotification", source, Title, Subject, Message, Icon, Interval, Type)

Client Functions

Show notification

exports.FeedM:ShowNotification(Message, Interval, Type)

Show advanced notification

exports.FeedM:ShowAdvancedNotification(Title, Subject, Message, Icon, Interval, Type)

You can also override es_extended to use FeedM notifications by editing es_extended/client/functions.lua and adding the exports functions:

ESX.ShowNotification = function(msg)

ESX.ShowAdvancedNotification = function(title, subject, msg, icon, iconType)
    exports.FeedM:ShowAdvancedNotification(title, subject, msg, icon)

This allows you to still use the ESX methods instead of replacing all your ESX calls with FeedM ones.


Looks nice!

I have this erros when I get paid my salary.
you know why?

Are you using es_extended?

1 Like

Yes, at the moment I only have that error when you get paid, the other notifications work well

Did you edit the ESX.ShowNotification() and ESX.ShowAdvancedNotification() methods in es_extended/client/functions.lua to use FeedM instead?

1 Like

its posible to move the notification only when minimap its open. Like the native gta notifications ?

i make it with a new position in config Positionscar and this code.
if (not IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId(), false) )then
POSITION = Config.Positions[Config.Position]
POSITION = Config.Positionscar[Config.Position]

Does anyone know the icon name for Weazel news? I’ve seen it around several times in images but can’t find the name of it in a list anywhere.

Also, does anyone know how to use custom images or do they have to be something from the list?

If you reply to this message and want to customize the icons to your liking, let me know and I can upload a video to youtube explaining step by step so that you have access to custom images and can put (for example) WEAZEL NEWS