[Release] SnailyCAD | Fast, modern and free FiveM CAD/MDT


Try installing the CAD in your Documents folder or Desktop, also make sure Node and Npm are up to date, if that doesn’t work, try running command prompt as an Administator.

Hey, so I was wondering how I would go about changing the default port it starts with, I want my normal website to start with port 80. So I want the CAD to be on a different port, any guidence?

This is what im seeing

Remove the “:3001” from the end of your link

yeah but when i do that the directorys appear from xammp

see this is what i see when i do that

Turn off apache in XAMPP

ok thanks


Thanks for helping anonymous1399!

To chang the port go to ./client/package.json, look for scripts > serve, you’ll see a script that looks like this: "serve": "serve -s build -l 80", change the 80 to any port you like and restart the CAD.

I would like to request that maybe for a script there could be like a notfication when a bolo is listed in game.

For the cad it would be nice if a sound would play when a 911 call is received as well as when your attached

So i turned off the apache

Thanks! Follow these steps:

  1. go into ./client/src/config you’ll find a file called config.js
  2. Change the http://localhost:3001 to http://your-router-ip:3001
  3. Run npm run build in ./client
  4. Go into package.json
  5. Change the proxy from http://localhost:3001 to http://your-router-ip:3001/
  6. Run cd ../ to go back to the root folder
  7. Run npm start to start the CAD.

then the CAD should be available on http://your-router-ip/ (Not with any port)

followed those steps but when i do just the ip it takes me to my router not to the cad

Try running the client on port 81, follow these steps:

also, make sure the port is port-forwarded.

Do I have to rebuild the client for this?

shouldn’t have too, but if it doesn’t change then yes.

Okay, thank you!

Added a demo! check out the demo for the cad here: http://demo-cad.caspertheghost.me/

Add Panic Button and Signal 100 plz

Adding such feature soon! Thanks for the suggestion.

Update 1.3.4 just released, mostly background updates but implementing no refreshing after adding/removing bolos, calls, statuses, etc etc in next versions.

Check out here: https://github.com/Dev-CasperTheGhost/snaily-cadv2

Panic Button!

Version 1.5.0

  • Fixed some officers won’t go off-duty in dispatch
  • Added panic button (only for officers, ems/fd to come)
  • AOP now updates without refreshing
  • Calls now update without refreshing
  • AOP, 911 calls, tow calls and bolos now are synced across all connected clients on the CAD (more coming.)

Link: https://github.com/Dev-CasperTheGhost/snaily-cadv2