How about adding a taxi cab blip/marker with a cab spawner? eh?
This is great, thanks for sharing!
i have this installed in my resource folder and add name taxi in citmp-server but :
how to call taxi and no taxi blip in map ,
in the downtown taxi station i only see the people gang attack lol
Spawn the taxi, get in, and press the Delete key. You will then be on duty as a taxi driver.
infinity loading while joining server load for taxy source :3
I had that issue with another script a while ago, i removed all the cache files in my game client except the game folder. after that i reconnected to my server and i got signed in.
for me the peds spawn etc but the job wont start/ peds cars also duplicate or spawn x3
i will verify it right now
is it per client join ? i did have 2 others with me could be that
try this one AddEventHandler(‘onClientMapStart’, function() ?
@GanjaMonster did you test it with AddEventHandler(‘onClientMapStart’, function() while having multiple players ?
did not have time to do it yet i might be able to try it later tonight or 2morro when im off
Keep up the good work, looks awesome.
since i updated i cannot seem to be able to start the job when i get into the cab, cab it self spawned at the downtown place but no peds were there
In my case, the updated Taxi mod will not start the job with the DEL key. The Dec 29 or thereabouts version does work for me however. I love the sound of the updates though so I hope this can be overcome!
going to investigate this right now
@GanjaMonster @Loque it works here (just installed a clean server with only the taxi resource loaded…)
must be another resource interfering with it then i think
Just figured out that i had 2 typo’s in my update. i pushed another update to Github.
Can you verify if this one is ok for you guys? @GanjaMonster @Loque