[RELEASE] Simple Tablet (for CADs and other iframes)

Any idea how I can add the animation of the ped holding a tablet while this is out? I have the animation etc but just cant get it to work.

Keeps telling me it refuses to connect

Me and NJD are trying to get it working on our server and it doesnt work when we try to set up our CAD

You have to provide a lot more info than that.

Should be feasable, just rename all the things like the NUI mdt0.5 JS link and such, should be totally fine

It says refused to connect.

Again, more information required.

when i put the link in all it says is the website is refused to connect.

It was a cad issue it’s fixed now

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Whenever I am loading in my server the tab pops up then goes away, I’m pretty sure its when the resource starts. Any idea on how to fix this?

how would i go about using rocketcad in this?

I’m also going to look into getting this to work with rocket cad.

Pretty sure you can just link the iframe.

How would I go about making the webpage not so zoomed in?

How can I change the cad website from yours to mine

when ever i try to plug in my bubble.io cad it dosent want to load up any fix?

i need to work for my website in bublle.io ???

So I allowed All Iframes and the Tablet is still not working. The Tablet will open But it won’t load the cad.

so i have this tablet in game that i have my cad on i can see it but when i click login it doesnt go to the discord login so i can login using my discord info any idea how to fix it i was told its due to iframe.

<body class="hidden">
      <div id="tablet">
         <div class="content">
           <div id ="blackbar"><font size="-1">Welcome</font><font size="-4">       </font></div>
                    <iframe src="https://cad.kingsmangaming.net/" width="1100" height="510"></iframe> <!--Replace the link with your desired website-->


      <script src="script.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Possibility to create in item ?