[RELEASE] Simple Tablet (for CADs and other iframes)

This is an extremely simple resource I created for a server I was developing. I used this to familiarise myself with NUI.

This is perfect for web pages you’d like to display in game on command, like SOPs, CADs, or the server’s website. It is only limited by webpages that do not allow iframes on their domain.

/CAD to open
ESC to close

mdt0.5.rar (3.4 KB)

(note the file name needs to be kept the same)

If you would like to implement a simple way to close the tablet on button press, here is the easily adaptable code snippet

  <button onclick="CloseCAD()"type="button">Close CAD</button>
					  function CloseCAD() {
					   $.post('http://mdt0.5/NUIFocusOff', JSON.stringify({}));

DO NOT USE THIS WITH THE LINK ALREADY IN THERE. THAT IS THE CAD LINK FOR MY COMMUNITY. Seems obvious but I suppose some people do not understand the concept.


So… what about this more advanced one? What’s the difference other than this doesn’t have all the features?


Love how you can move it around any way to make the tablet bigger?


The more advanced tablet which i found had a lot of features, which werent really required when all you wanted to do was just have a tablet with a web page


If i remember correctly, simply increase the width and height of all elements inside the CSS file

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question, Why only release a simple NUI with HTML on it? For people to sign up in order to use the CAD? I mean, If your going to release the CAD I mean, would be nice not to halfass it but overall, Good idea, like the design sad that your putting it behind a signup registration system personally. anyone can make a website throw up tablet and make it run to a HTML. I mean if anything this is a website service release.
This is actually just a re-release of Tablet apon looking at it

      <div id="tablet">
         <div class="content">
           <div id ="blackbar"><font size="-1">Welcome</font><font size="-4">       </font></div>
                    <iframe src="https://bubble.is/site/goldcoastrpcad/" width="1100" height="510"></iframe> <!--Replace the link with your desired website-->


Release the cad with this tabled? :slight_smile:

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What? You can just change the URL? There is no sign up or registration required whatsoever

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It’s a bubble cad cant rlly "release " Lol

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I’m not sure what you’re talking about

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Im stating this is already released.

This is the exact same thing… Seriously the exact same thing. you just removed some code. and changed the tablet png.

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This is already released, the only thing here that is different is the look of the tablet and a URL, I mean, if we want to contribute to the cluster mess of the same releases over and over again on the forums then I’m all fo it I got hundreds of things I’ve recreated that are exactly like other things, and can call them my releases which makes sense Just out here stating this is already released exact same thing as someone elses work does the exact same thing :man_shrugging: but I mean now anyone can release anything on here even nazi flags ect… I suppose we don’t care anymore


I’m not sure why you’re being so cynical :flushed:

It’s the same concept as this In-Game Tablet with Web Based CAD/MDT Support but its far, far simpler.

This is a download and go version of that one. You don’t have to trim this down at all. I made this myself. The only code I used that I didn’t write myself was the the drag feature, I also adapted NUI resources code. I used the code from https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_draggable.asp because, well, why the hell would I recreate code which I can use for free, saving myself time and effort? My use of their code was not for profit of any sort. I simply wanted to fufil a need which I had encountered before I developed this. (A simple iframe tablet) I just said “hey, heres a simpler tablet”. No malicious intent, no blatantly “stolen” code from resources which specify against usage of their code for research/teaching (the primary purpose of this resource was to teach myself NUI).

If we comb through every resource which uses code from online teaching resources on this website, I fear there would be very very few resources left.

Just out here stating this is already released exact same thing as someone elses work does the exact same thing :man_shrugging:

This is not the “exact same thing” as the other tablet.

So again, I’m not sure what the problem is.


My issue isn’t the code with the code or what code is or isn’t

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I just wanted to apologize, my english is sometimes not correct (google translate), it’s a good job but I prefer this one with the police that the other is more pictures … it’s that I meant, excuse me it’s a good job! tanks for the script


how to open this script from a menu instead of the / cad command?

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If i remember correctly, whatever menu you’re using, on button press just have it activate the GUI(true) function from this script. You could setup an export for it so you can use it in other scripts

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Anyone else having an issue where they cant close it?

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Some people will never learn and this is the bad side of the release section.

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