everything is instal corecty but i dont see any marker whene i go at my location @MarkViolla
Do not hurry up to use this resource now. Soon i will release a fundamentally new resource with interiors / garages and other stuff.
It is does not mean THIS resource is not working.
For now i have completely worked interiors system with auto IPL loading, but there is some issues with them.
Release comes as soon as i can found way to fix them.
ty @MarkViolla if you need help whit all the coords pm i got everything
ho i got all ipl loaded do you want it ?
Any news @MarkViolla ??
@MarkViolla The script is not working now, we got an error on launch
@MarkViolla hi mark i have setup your script and got no error but i see no marker it look like it’s not working can you help me out ?
Not working, he work on another script for interiors
well they should take it off releases then … because i’m looking to have a working teleportation script .
To resolve in s.lua :
require "resources/essentialmode/lib/MySQL"
MySQL:open("", "gta5_gamemode_essential", "YOURUSER", "YOURPASSWORD")
function mysql_load_interiors()
local executed_query = MySQL:executeQuery("SELECT * FROM interiors WHERE 1 = @where", {['@where'] = "1"})
local result = MySQL:getResults(executed_query, {'id','enter','exit','iname'}, "id")
local ints = {}
if result ~= nil then
for i=1,#result do
local t = table.pack(result[i]['id'],json.decode(result[i]['enter']),json.decode(result[i]['exit']),result[i]['iname'])
table.insert(ints, t)
return ints
With these lines the mod works?
hi, thanks you ! work good but can you add permission level plz ?
ty man great job everything is working ty guys @MarkViolla & @Mirardes_TSB
Simple question, what lines needs to be replaced ?
AddEventHandler('onGameTypeStart', function(resource)
print("[INFO] interiors script loaded!")
MySQL:open(mySQL.host, mySQL.db, mySQL.login, mySQL.pass)
by this
require "resources/essentialmode/lib/MySQL"
MySQL:open("", "gta5_gamemode_essential", "YOURUSER", "YOURPASSWORD")
And this
function mysql_load_interiors()
local executed_query = MySQL:executeQuery("SELECT * FROM "..mySQL.db.."."..mySQL.inttable)
local result = MySQL:getResults(executed_query, {'id','enter','exit','iname'}, "id")
local ints = {}
if result ~= nil then
for i=1,#result do
local t = table.pack(result[i]['id'],json.decode(result[i]['enter']),json.decode(result[i]['exit']),result[i]['iname'])
table.insert(ints, t)
return ints
by this
function mysql_load_interiors()
local executed_query = MySQL:executeQuery("SELECT * FROM interiors WHERE 1 = @where", {['@where'] = "1"})
local result = MySQL:getResults(executed_query, {'id','enter','exit','iname'}, "id")
local ints = {}
if result ~= nil then
for i=1,#result do
local t = table.pack(result[i]['id'],json.decode(result[i]['enter']),json.decode(result[i]['exit']),result[i]['iname'])
table.insert(ints, t)
return ints
i’m alright ?
Use : SetEntityCoords(ped, x,y,z ,true, false, false,true)
Can anyone reupload the scropt to works perfectly ?
This works perfectly, redo everything and it should work.
- Put the interiors folder in your ressources folder and add
"- interiors"
to the citmp-server.yml - Modify the server file with your db infos
- Modify the sql, you have to put your coordinates :
(1, '{-772.954,312.134,85.6981,130}', '{-781.833,326.111,176.804,240}', 'Appartement'),
- Execute the sql to your sql
That s all
How to have all coor for the interiors ? Anyone have coords ?
You need to use Lambda menu or anyone other script who give you coords, or a little search on google.