Tazio - Server log


I created a plugin where it will log the chat and the deaths in nice embed’s.

  1. Download from the GitHub.
  2. Place the Serverlogging in the resources folder.
  3. Open sever.lua and place your webhook link there.
  4. Goto server.cfg and add start Serverlogging
  5. Done!

If you want the webhook to have the steam profile icon then follow Steam API key

Creating webhook

How do you make a Discord Webhook?

  1. Goto the text channel you want the message in.
  2. Press the :gear: on that channel.
  3. Press Webhooks
  4. Create a Webhook (the name doesn’t matter)
  5. Copy the link and press Save
  6. There you go this is your webhook link
Steam API key
  1. Open this
  2. Create a key
  3. Copy the key
  4. Paste the key inside server.lua


With Steam API key:

After v1.5:

After v1.5.1:

Change log

v1.6 More death reasons
v1.5.3 Online message changed
v1.5.2 Merged pull request ‘Clean up’ from @NebelRebell
v1.5.1 Added reason to server leaving.
v1.5 Colors!
v1.4.1 Fixed this issue
v1.4 Now blocks @everyone and @here messages
v1.3 Now uses embeds
v1.2.1 Disables tts in discord
v1.2 Big update
v1.1 Features ID next to the name
v1.0.1 Added warning sign
v1 Added files

Have a good day!


Simple but nice you did a good job

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:pray: Thanks m8

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Nice script bro.
Any way to log more things?

Happy birthday!! :smiley:



Some ESX things, like money transfers, car/properties purchases, society money, etc…

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That’d be nice

I will try my best :ok_hand:

Thanks bro! Awesome.

Can this log commands? Stuff like /me, /ooc, etc. Maybe be able to configure what commands you can log and how they appear in the log. Also, happy birthday!

Every message put into chat(including commands) will be logged. And thanks :slight_smile:


is it only connect and exit ?

And chat

awesome, happy bday man :slight_smile: :love_you_gesture:

Now features ID next to the name

Do you know how to send an embedded message with the webhook?

Like so,assets_-LAEeOAJ8-CJPfZkGKqI_-LAEmDGzvjK634rgf6_q_-LAEmP2lbTm_eMCE7pjS_embedexample1

Any way you could get killing to work? It doesn’t show anything pertaining to even someone dying.

Double post lol. Confirmed that the killing does work, but it only works with like explosives (RPG, Grenade Launcher)

it works perfectly for mine

look at this or look at my tutorial