[Release] Save/Respawn the last player position with MySQL

Ok sorry I did’nt know !

me to I have this problem :\

Hello, really nice script but do you have an idea for respawning the player in the saved coord ?

Its on his way, please be patient, and read again all the answers before ask a question :slight_smile:

It record on the database but when i reconnects i go to the “spawnpoint” and not the last record. :confused:

GitHub Updated :wink:
/!\ IMPORTANT Update ALTER column and delete your last position recorded

What is the ALTER column ?

ALTER the “lastpos” column into MySQL.
More easy, delete the column and use the new sql file to reinstall correctly

your column lastpos is empty ?

“use the new sql file” What the new sql file sorry I don’t understand !

inside the github “lastpos.sql”

Thank you working great :slight_smile:

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you’re welcom feared :wink:

This script can be optimized but if you make it please share :wink:

Sure i just make them save all 5 minutes, and i added the color blue to “Position Sauvegardée” and the green for “Vous voici a voter derniere position”


Thanks it work perfectly !!

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One question ?$
I want to change the spawn by default in your script but on mine i have only this :

{ x = -1046.56, y = -2771.78, z = 4.6398 }  I have XYZ

And in yours i have this :slight_smile:
'{-887.48388671875, -2311.68872070313, -3.50776553153992, 142.503463745117}';
And you we have XYZ and ?

its azimut, where you see on 360°

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I can delete it ? Or not ?

Normaly yes, if error fix the script server side :wink: