[ESX] Sandy Scrapyard [ON SALE]

:sunny: What is this?
This is more of a secondary job or a activity. No job needed for this!
This is a pretty simple script I did upon a request for a server. There is a slightly difference between the other scrapyard script I have released but both have there charme.

You speak with a ped that will ask you if you want to help him scrap down a car, if you accept the offer he will tell you to go and change clothes. After that new instructions are given that you are supposed to go to a suitable place and start. (There is alot of different markers on the ground where you are able to start.) Go to the place and hit E and your car will spawn and you can then start scrapping the car.
There will be a minigame that is showing where you are supposed to hit E when the moving bar is at the green zone.
After you have hit the green zone a couple of times the part you are working on will fall down and you are done with that part, move on to another part.
When all the parts are gone and the whole car is naked you are done, go change clothes and talk with the ped and he will give you your reward.

The time between the minigames are random, configurable in the config. The same goes with the difficulty on the minigame.

:hammer_and_wrench: Config:

  • Script language. English & Swedish currently selectable. Easy to add more!
  • Where you start.
  • PedHash.
  • AdvancedNotification ped image.
  • The cooldown time.
  • Blip where you start, on or off.
  • Blip settings.
  • The time between the minigame is showing on the screen.
  • The difficulty of the minigame.
  • The amount of cash you’ll get in reward.
  • Translations.
  • Add, remove, change the places where you can scrap the car in the client.lua.


0.01-​​​​0.03ms. Might get slightly higher when the minigame is active on the screen.

:lock: Dependency:

I have made this script in ESX, but I don’t think it should be too hard to redo for something else.

:warning: Encrypted?
I have actually chosen not to encrypt this one because I want to trust people that everyone respect that I am the one who have made this and I own it. Respect that and don’t do anything stupid, like selling it or claiming it.

:briefcase: Purchase:
You will find all the information needed about this script and how to proceed here on my tebex site.

:raised_hand: Contact me:
If you need any support, have any questions, please contact me in DM and I’ll answer you shortly.

:tv: Previews:
Video Preview.
Pictures below:


interesting, it works as a secondary job, so they don’t require a job?

Thats correct, no job needed. Will make that more clear in the information.

what about a vrp version of it?

Nothing I have made , not sure if I will either.
I’m not familiar with vrp at all.

maybe a standalone one?

I sure will look into it, should’nt be too big of a trouble I think

I like this aspect. Is there a way that you dont just get cash and possibly get items, I use a mechanic script which needs items to craft e.g. plastic, glass ect. Would this be something easy to add?