[Release] RP Revive [Fax-Revive] [1.1]

When I die instead of the message saying “Please wait 5 seconds before reviving” it says “Please wait’…timercount’ before reviving”

Are you on the latest version and is your timercount variable a int?

I am on the latest version and my timercount is 10

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anyone know?

Works fine for others. Including me. Try re downloading and reinstalling it.

I have a question. The countdown timer seems to be off or set to 0 but I still have a countdown timer anyway to help me.

Question: I am using this in a freeroam scenario. I would like for the respawn to be idk 50-60 feet from point of death. How would I do that? Thanks!

Hello! I am currently trying to update the current notification style to one that looks similar to this:

I have the code correct to the best of my knowledge, but when I die. The notification beep goes off, but no notification is shown.

Here is my current code:

		if IsEntityDead(ped) then
			-- ShowInfoRevive('~r~You Are Dead ~w~Please wait ~y~'.. tostring(reviveWait) ..' Seconds ~w~ before choosing an action')

            SetPlayerInvincible(ped, true)
            SetEntityHealth(ped, 1)


function ShowInfoRevive()
	AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName("~r~You have died! Press ~INPUT_VEH_CAR_JUMP~ to revive!")
	EndTextCommandDisplayHelp(0, true, true, -1)

Thanks in advance!

Probs because it is in a loop. So the sound will continue to play.

Hey FaX, how can i change re-spawn to be within a certain distance of point of death instead of at the hospitals? TY in advance!

So the sound is going off but the notification is not because it’s looping the revive message?

Hey FAXES, there appears to have been a code issue with the latest version on the github (on the releases page).

On line 79, the script says:

TriggerEvent('chat:addMessage', { args = {"^*Wait ' .. timerCount .. ' more seconds before reviving."}})

When, it’s supposed to say.

TriggerEvent('chat:addMessage', { args = {'^*Wait ' .. timerCount .. ' more seconds before reviving.'}})

What happens when it has “” instead of ‘’, is that it doesn’t show the variable.

Which is quite annoying.

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So, whenever someone die’s with a gun it glitch’s. It removes all the other guns and you are only stuck with the gun you had out before you died. You can’t it it away either

i need help i want to add a thing where admins can revive who they want when ever they want can someone help me

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Is there a known bug that you auto-revive as Michael?


Is there anyway I can change the respawn point to 1 certain location? I tried editing the coordinates in the client file but after I enter my server and I die it doesn’t seem to work at all.

Is there a way to make players respawn at the nearest hospital? To avoid people having to return to the AOP from far away? Would optimize so much <3

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Could do that :stuck_out_tongue: Ideas

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