[RELEASE] renzu_vehicleshop | Advanced Vehicle Shop

Already solved Thank you

I would like to know where to translate this UI into my native language. I have searched everywhere and can’t find where to translate it from.

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its all can be translate from PopUI Function

function PopUI(name,v)
    local table = {
        ['event'] = 'vehicleshop',
        ['title'] = 'Vehicle Shop',
        ['server_event'] = false,
        ['unpack_arg'] = false,
        ['invehicle_title'] = 'Sell Vehicle',
        ['confirm'] = '[ENTER]',
        ['reject'] = '[CLOSE]',
        ['custom_arg'] = {}, -- example: {1,2,3,4}
        ['use_cursor'] = false, -- USE MOUSE CURSOR INSTEAD OF INPUT (ENTER)
    local dist = #(v - GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()))
    while dist < 5 and neargarage do
        dist = #(v - GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()))

you can change the confirm,reject,title using your native language

Can you tell us which file it is in?

Is the UI responsive?

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its should Support 13XXx700 up to 2500x1000
its made to resize or adapt to client screen
but im not sure if this will be 100% fluid to all client screen.

The car store can’t open I don’t know why …

amazing sharing,thanks for your doing。but my sqlerro is this.How can I solve it

share your config
do you have custom shop?
that line 14 is if you have a custom shop in config, beside pdm
the example in config there is a police

['police'] = { -- same with name
        name = "police", --MRPD police shop
        job = 'police',
        Dist = 7, -- distance (DEPRECATED)
        Blip = {color = 38, sprite = 229, scale = 0.6},
        shop_x = 456.89453125,
        shop_y = -1020.8922729492,
        shop_z = 28.290912628174, -- coordinates for this garage
        spawn_x = 449.27224731445,
        spawn_y = -1025.3255615234,
        spawn_z = 27.905115127563,
        heading = 2.6015937328339, -- Vehicle spawn location
        shop = { -- if not vehicle is setup in Database SQL, we will use this
            {shop='police',category='Police Sedan',stock=50,price=100000,model='police',name="Police Car"},
            {shop='police',category='Police Sedan',stock=50,price=100000,model='police2',name="Police 2"},
            {shop='police',category='Police Sedan',stock=50,price=100000,model='police4',name="Police 4"},
            {shop='police',category='Police SUVs',stock=50,price=100000,model='police3',name="Police SUV"},

do you have a stored column in vehicles owned_vehicles table?
also tell me your mysql version, this seems a weird syntax error

Already solved Thanks

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我草 丁宇

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also check the **vehicle** column from owned_vehicles
make sure its using



and type


thx again,I will try IT

I have the “stored”.look at this sreen

i will examine the issue later when im on pc.

Right now i only think there must be a problem one of this.

1,your SQL version, i am using mariaDB 10 it works no problem
2, your mysql async could be outdated
3, sql_mode = mine is


as i can see from your image, mysql syntax looks old, json must be the one throwing out the error. not sure.

I am using win2016,I think mysql async is old

Its in client.lua sorry late reply

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let me know if this fixed the issue

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GHMattiSQL now supported

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