[RELEASE] renzu_vehicleshop | Advanced Vehicle Shop

ok sir noted thanks for that :slight_smile:

I can’t make the vehicleshop open and this appears in Console.

unknown.png (873×24) (discordapp.com)

This is the config.lua

unknown.png (1618×206) (discordapp.com)

Using renzu_popui and es_extended

edit config.lua
change the ghmattisql to mysql-async
or install ghmattisql

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config is actually in mysql-async, can i use mysql-async and ghmatti at the same time?

hey there, when i come to the sell zone i can’t do anything, like if there is nothing here , maybe you can help me ? because everything work very good but i can’t sell personnal car

make sure you configure the config.PlateSpace to true if your system uses spaces on plates.
also send me server error if there is any.
is the vehicle your trying to sell is stored in your vehicles table?

you should not use ghmatti and mysql-async at the same time, but it will work.
just choose one. and set it to the config

even with spaces it don’t work and sadly i don’t have any error

can you answer this

and currently if you cant sell vehicle.
you should be able to see this prints on server
print(“EXPLOIT”) and print(“not owned”)

let me know what you see

yes the car is stored on vehicle table and i don’t have EXPLOIT message anywhere

how abou this one?

if you did not see this too, update your vehicleshop, you maybe have the first version.
and maybe you are selling boats, and other custom shop which is not possible right now

not this one too, ok i will try to update thanks

do you have this

around server:104 line


yes i have this line and i 'm trying to sell a car



AddEventHandler(‘renzu_vehicleshop:sellvehicle’, function()

local source = source

local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)

local price = 1000

local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(source))

local plate = GetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle)

r = Database('SELECT * FROM owned_vehicles WHERE UPPER(plate) = @plate and owner = @owner', {['@plate'] = plate:upper(), ['@owner'] = xPlayer.identifier},xPlayer.source,'fetch')

if #r > 0 then

    local model = json.decode(r[1].vehicle).model

    if model == GetEntityModel(vehicle) then

        result = Database('SELECT * FROM vehicles', {},xPlayer.source,'fetch')

            if #result > 0 then

                for k,v in pairs(result) do

                    if model == GetHashKey(v.model) then

                        price = v.price * (Config.RefundPercent * 0.01)





                xPlayer.showNotification('Vehicle has been Sold for ^g '..price..'',1,0,110)




        xPlayer.showNotification('Are you really sure this is the vehicle?',1,0,110)



    xPlayer.showNotification('You dont owned this vehicle',1,0,110)

    print("not owned")



if you are updated
and you cant see this print

not owned



its mean you are not triggering the sell function at all. there must be a problem with your system or the vehicle you are trying to sell is not in your database vehicles table

show me a clip that you are trying to sell a vehicle and show the server console and f8 console too.

sure but to try to sell a car a window will appear like the window to buy a car right ?

Yes as i said in my last reply.
If you cant see prints
It only means you are selling a vehicle not listed in vehicles table in mysql nothing else because no error right.

Here you go, i have updated my version, deleted the cache and the car is in the vehicles table but as you can see even the window is not here but the window to buy a car is here

I see the clip, you did not try to sell it…
You should be in a vehicle if you want to sell
Did you sent a wrong clip?

no no it’s the right clip , the place where i am with the car is the location of the selling point and like me you haven’t seen any message to sell or any window

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