[RELEASE] renzu_scoreboard | Unique UI | Roleplay Purpose

thank you i found the problem

@liro are you updated? this issue was fixed an hour ago.

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is there anyway to stop these gaps?

Thanks, btw wont that ping check cause some lags?

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hello, i will find the cause of it.
can you tell me your screen resolution?

do you suggest checking it only once?
some owners prefer to see realtime pingā€¦ maybe to kick them i dont knowā€¦
i can create a config to check it and save it only once

Depends if that can cause any problems, for example if i have 100+ online players.

it happens when a player leaves, the slot they were in goes blank instead of them all realigning

i think thats not the case
try this new css update
the old one does not have a default value thats why its auto resizing.

i have pushed an update regarding the ping checking

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how do you make it smaller?

@Renzuzu admin = xPlayer.getGroup() == ā€˜adminā€™, how would i add here more groups so i can have the star on the scoreboard to more types of staff

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If u donā€™t have vip group probably admin = xPlayer.getGroup() ~= ā€˜userā€™ works

i meant the crown for admins i want to add it for moderators etc

That would show the crown for every group except users


good release but 2 problems
1 - Itā€™s about moving the mouse on players like a scale and crossing over the line (animation or hover i dont know)
2 - mouse and mouse wheel and some controls have to be disable when scoreboard opened ( gun wheel on foot and radio wheel on vehicle )
and a request : if you can add a icon for upload avatar with a text so players can see it and use it

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when i change the key to open it, it still stays as f10 no matter what i change it to.

Thats how keybinding works

The only way is to change the commands and mapping name @ client.lua with your new keybinds

Ill update this asap

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2021-08-03 14_25_49-Window

Yeah I tried changing it to F1 but I still need to press F10 for it to open.

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This need to be done in client.lua.
Config for keybind only works if you havent started the script.

This is how keybinding works

To change the keybind edit client.lua
command name
And mapping name
scoreboard to scoreboard2

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How to make the scoreboard show the steam name instead of the name at registration ļ¼Ÿ

Why would you want to? There are a ton of scoreboards out there that are nice and do just that. This is finally a nice one that shows ESX character names and actually works (Iā€™ve been looking for a while). I realize it is a nice scoreboard, but maybe this one isnā€™t for you because it doesnā€™t fit your needs.

My apologies if that sounds a bit harsh, itā€™s not my intention.