[RELEASE] renzu_garage - v1.8 - Advanced Garage Fivem

does not give any errors either on f8 or on the server console and garage.sql was installed

testing it now can you take a look at this issue. Not sure whats causing it.

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Find no issue so far with the update, /park and meter is working fine with it.
I would say add a only allow X vehicle in it so people aren’t storing there civ cars in it and others taking them out.
This way it can be limited to police or fire or what ever job its used for vehicles only. And still have the mods saved for all others when using the vehicle, Like a fleet of police cars.

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So far only issue i see if this error

[MariaDB:10.4.18-MariaDB] [ERROR] [renzu_garage] An error happens for query “UPDATE vehiclekeys SET keys = ? WHERE identifier = @identifier : [”{“char1:529e7ca9035b866a87f8cc02893f145074fd0f10”:true}"]": ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR: Unknown column ‘identifier’ in ‘where clause’

Maybe you put the wrong thing in?

RegisterServerEvent(‘statebugupdate’) – this will be removed once syncing of statebug from client is almost instant
AddEventHandler(‘statebugupdate’, function(name,value,net)
local vehicle = NetworkGetEntityFromNetworkId(net)
local ent = Entity(vehicle).state
ent[name] = value
if name == ‘unlock’ then
local val = 1
if not value then
val = 2
if name == ‘share’ then
local plate = string.gsub(GetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle), ‘^%s*(.-)%s*$’, ‘%1’)
local result = MysqlGarage(Config.Mysql,‘fetchAll’,‘SELECT * FROM vehiclekeys WHERE plate = @plate’, {
[’@plate’] = plate
if result[1] then
MysqlGarage(Config.Mysql,‘execute’,‘UPDATE vehiclekeys SET keys = @keys WHERE identifier = @identifier’, {
[’@keys’] = json.encode(ent.share),
[’@plate’] = plate,
MysqlGarage(Config.Mysql,‘execute’,‘INSERT INTO vehiclekeys (plate,keys) VALUES (@plate,@keys)’, {
[’@plate’] = plate,
[’@keys’] = json.encode(ent.share),
globalkeys[plate] = ent.share
GlobalState.Gshare = globalkeys

Yea definitely a typo, lol

Your files still saving bool as identifier which is fix yesterday.

But if you update the server it should be good.

Im running the files you posted to test. Ill check the git for updates

if the car is not saved and the server is restarted the vehicle simply disappears from the garage, where does it go? (even though registered in owned_vehicles)

Mrpd impound

I would like that as soon as the vehicle is removed from the garage, it would be invisible and without physics for 3 seconds, how can I do it? I tried to put SetEntityAlpha(veh, 128, false) but it doesn’t work in this script, in others it works

you mean taking it out from garage?
i tried this in the begining but it seems it conflicting or im doing it wrong.

you can try to play it out on every spawn of vehicle

Is there any way I can’t take out my car if its already taken out? , Because if I leave it around the city then went to a garage I can still get it there fixed and no damage at all.

sounds your using very old version.

new version all outside vehicle from 50 radius away from impound are listed in impound vehicle.

and the damage only save when you impound, store it on garage… making it automatic is not optimized

I’ve tried it this way, I’ll try more, thanks!

For the vehiclekeys command. It gives the whole car to the player you transfer it to. Anyway to make it only give just temporary keys? Lol

You need to be in vehicle to share the vehicle.

When shared, other player can only use lock system and avoid hotwiring.

And also can do store or return your vehicle to your garage.
Can also do /park

I like your dev skills, but why don’t you focus on making one good quality script instead of pushing all kinds of different systems into one script… your best scripts are always overfilled with tons of additional crap, no offense, just my observation

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I have made only Config edits
and by try joining private garage i get this server log message
SCRIPT ERROR: @renzu_garage/server/server.lua:713: attempt to index a nil value (field '?')

First, Thank you, but to answer your comment
i dont know what crap are you mentioning
since your commenting here at Garage.. it seems the best example you are talking about ,

eg. parking meter. if its crap from you`

those Crap Feature is always configurable to enable/disable , its mean threads are blocked and its like nothing (just some bytes memory are saved for extra lines unused if disabled).

i just made it there, so people do like it can use it, and if people doesnt like it, they can disable it, simple.

at the end of the day this is a Free Advanced garage for Competent Developers only,
To all
i wont suggest this if you dont like to read Config comments, understand the Config too and if you dont know eg. how to import SQL columns, install tables etc…but if you are needed of my help there is GIthub Issues that we can discuss about your problem :heavy_heart_exclamation:

and yea i will still continue to add new feats if theres some new idea in my mind or if some people suggest me, even if its like a crap feat from some other people.

i pushed an update to avoid an error from older or unstable FxServer
you can get the update from main branch not the release download.

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can i give a car key somehow to myself … char5:abcde… giving the keys to char2:abcde from esx_multicharacter and legacy… i’ll check today or do it manually in the DB but i dont think i can select myself in the UI…