[RELEASE] renzu_garage - v1.8 - Advanced Garage Fivem

this is the answer.

did you import all the sql columns?

yes I did

you should verify it on your phpmyadmin or heidisql

heres all the required columns for owned_vehicles to run the garage

ALTER TABLE owned_vehicles
ADD garage_id varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘A’;

ALTER TABLE owned_vehicles
ADD impound int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;

ALTER TABLE owned_vehicles
ADD stored int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;

ALTER TABLE owned_vehicles
ADD type varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘car’;

ALTER TABLE owned_vehicles
ADD job varchar(32) NOT NULL;

ALTER TABLE owned_vehicles

ALTER TABLE owned_vehicles
ADD isparked int(1) NULL DEFAULT 0;


you can run this one by one to be sure


I ran it by itself, now its giving me:

[ERROR] [MySQL] [renzu_garage] An error happens on MySQL for query “SELECT * FROM parking_meter”: ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE: Table ‘s23640_fivem.parking_meter’ doesn’t exist

here your missing this too…

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `private_garage` (
	`identifier` VARCHAR(64) NULL DEFAULT '' COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci',
    `vehicles` LONGTEXT NULL COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci',
	`garage` VARCHAR(64) NULL COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci',
	`inventory` LONGTEXT NULL COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci'

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `parking_meter` (
	`identifier` VARCHAR(64) NULL DEFAULT '' COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci',
	`plate` VARCHAR(32) NULL DEFAULT '' COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci',
    `vehicle` LONGTEXT NULL COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci',
	`coord` LONGTEXT NULL COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci',
	`park_coord` LONGTEXT NULL COLLATE 'utf8mb4_general_ci'


for a complete SQL lines:


odd as it was in the sql when I dropped it in and it gave me no errors >.>
thanks so much, I promise I knew better and just wasn’t thinking. <3!

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no problem if you have other issues just message here or in private

Having a weird instance where anytime I am in range of a garage, even after choosing to not open it, I cannot type in T chat or any other resource. Any suggestions?

Try upgrading popui.

Latest popui is using the new hasfocus native
Which checks if its have a nuifocus
and wait for it to close

Before opening its own focus.

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You may have just solved an ongoing problem. I’ve been discussing it in another thread and it seems some resource is hogging up the NUI and messing up typing in the console. renzu_popu1 is one of four resources on my server that utilize the SetNuiKeepInput native. It appears something is not returning the state correctly. I have been troubleshooting, but I will install the latest PopUI and see if that goes away.

Not sure if its effective… its a new method.

Other resource must use the new native too,

to make the resource respect each resource nuifocus.
Its better to only open a focus if there is no active focus,
To avoid nui focus problems

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so this is the last script from you then I have all from your scripts on my server, but I have a problem now.

I used advancedvehicleshop for my server and even its #start … right now it still starts (probably because other scripts need it) thats why I try to remove it from the other scripts, what do I need to do?
As example:
TriggerServerEvent(‘esx_advancedvehicleshop:setJobVehicleState’, data2.current.plate, false)


									TriggerServerEvent('renzu_garage:setJobVehicleState', data2.current.plate, false)

or I am doing something wrong?

This happens when I write /stop esx_advancedvehicleshop

[ citizen-server-impl] Stopping resource esx_rpchat
[ citizen-server-impl] Stopping resource esx_ambulancejob
[ citizen-server-impl] Stopping resource esx_givevehicle
[ citizen-server-impl] Stopping resource esx_advancedholdup
[ citizen-server-impl] Stopping resource esx_policejob
[ citizen-server-impl] Stopping resource esx_advancedvehicleshop

You need to remove dependency of adv garage from your other scripts

I have a problem, when I put a vehicle into police garage I go out of the car it disappear (goes into garage) but 2-3 seconds later the car spawns right at the point again and if you go into garage its in garage and outside, how to fix that?

i think thats the real parking function, you could disable it if you dont need.

when idling for 1-2 seconds, and pressed E, it will be automatically Parking mode,
it will re appear there.

I have that disabled but I have AdvancedParking from Kimikaze but with any other garage like the private one or mechanic as example there is no issue like that, just with the police one

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Config.Realistic_Parking = false

here see

I have a couple of problems, my addon vehicles don’t save when I restart the server also the Public garages say I don’t own them, when the vehicle does go in the I cant go in the garage neither take it out.

a bad configuration can cause this.

you could post here

with a good repro steps, preferably with clip and screenshot from server and client. so i can help you guide which one is the problematic.

Im pretty new to FiveM developing, what would you want me to record a clip and screenshot of?