[RELEASE] renzu_garage - v1.8 - Advanced Garage Fivem

But what about a purchased police vehicle listed in the owned_vehicles table with the job field marked as ‘police’ ? Non job vehicles are working for me ok but anything marked as ‘police’ in the database are giving me problems.

try latest commit at main branch

need to be tested first before pushing to release downloads

It works! Thank you Renzu.

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let me know if new commit have breaking changes in other garage feature… thanks

Don’t open yellow garage for me, i have all dependencies, contextmenu is started

Hello, I’m back again. So far everything seems to be working fine, except for the private garage inventory issue. I have loaded the latest sql version available on github. However, when I save two vehicles with several modifications on top, remove some part from them and then save it in the garage inventory, indeed that part is removed from the vehicle, but in the console this error appears and in the database, the value of “inventory” in the private_garage table, is still “null”.

Remove the null in database it was a recent bug that was fixed yesterday.

Get the latest server.lua and remove null string from db

Thank you as always for your kind replies. I have the latest version of sv.lua available. However I don’t understand how to delete the “null” in the database. For what it’s worth, I use heidi sql to manage the server database.

i have messaged you

After yesterdays changes regarding the police garages there is now a problem with property garages. When first going to garage A, all vehicles are listed and working. When going to a property garage (which were working prior to today) it shows no cars and the first error in f8. Then, when going back to A garage it shows no cars and shows the second f8 error.

I’ve been using your trigger event “renzu_garage:property” and it was working before.
Edit: That was with a job listed as Mechanic.
Edit2: Just tested with job as police and the same result.

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do you update patch by patch?
you miss this

local propertyspawn = {}

its should be in line 21

and about property event,
its updated
to this method

TriggerEvent(‘renzu_garage:property’,houseid, locationvec3 ,houseid, spawnvec3) – if spawnvec3 is missing it will use the normal spawn method

I did have the latest code, but didn’t realize the trigger event had been updated. It’s still commented in the config file as TriggerEvent(‘renzu_garage:property’,“Forum Drive 11/Apt13”, vector3(-1053.82, -933.09, 3.36)).

I removed all reference to ‘propertyspawn’ in client.lua and it’s working ok for me until I can look into it further.

Update: After changing my property garage script over to ‘TriggerEvent(‘renzu_garage:property’,houseid, locationvec3 ,houseid, spawnvec3)’ I no longer get any errors with ‘propertySpawn’ apart from one error on line 3081: ‘spawnHeading = propertyspawn.w’.

I changed that to ‘spawnHeading = GetEntityHeading(PlayerPedId())’ so that the vehicle spawns facing the direction of the player and everything seems to working ok now.

Yes last param must be vector4 sorry i forgot to mention it.

Lol I wondering about that :smiley:

hello I put my car in the garage only when I open it does not this and gives me this error

havent notice this since i am not using the latest branch (html part)

reverted some changes few days ago should fixed this

i got another error

its not garage script, (that vehicleshop error means you are not using latest config)

oh ok thanks

Absolutely love this garage script, but I am running into this error:

[ERROR] [MySQL] [renzu_garage] An error happens on MySQL for query “SELECT * FROM owned_vehicles WHERE isparked = 1”: ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR: Unknown column ‘isparked’ in ‘where clause’

I don’t really know why it’s throwing this at me, any help is appreciated.