[Release] RC_BitcoinMiner | ESX Framework | Beta Version | New Update 0.1.1 |

in my Server-Console is straight:

[ERROR] [MySQL] [RC_BitcoinMiner] An error happens on MySQL for query “INSERT INTO drive-life.rc_coins (identifier, bitcoin) VALUES (‘steam:11000011c67bc09’, 0);”: ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR: INSERT command denied to user ‘essentialmode’@‘localhost’ for table ‘rc_coins’

can anyone help me?

I downloaded it and installed it. It freezes tryna close and Is there a way to have it show on my other F1 phone?

Eine super Idee ich hoffe du machst so weiter und auch Respekt das du das gratis zu verfügung stellst ist echt mega nett.

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Having same issues as others stuck in menu, press f6 and it brings up the phone, but then pressing f6, or escape doesnt get you out of the phone, you are just stuck there.

Looks good otherwise, nice work. Would be cool if there was a job check make the phone only show up if you have a certain item in your inventory.

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You could connect your script to mine it would be so cool.

You are welcome to process my script a little and incorporate and publish your functions. Only credits would be nice

Any update coming soon? seems pretty cool

Would love to see this able to be implemented as an app into gcphone or something and with multiple different cryptocurrencies to purchase from.

you should make a ■■■■ version

I seem to be having the same database error … Also phone wont close . F5, ESC nor Backspace work.

is there a discord to talk to other people with this script?

hi! the phone will not close and f6 is the job menu keybind, how can i change the keybind and fix the phone not closing?


same issue any fix

Have this error

[ERROR] [MySQL] [RC_BitcoinMiner] An error happens on MySQL for query “INSERT INTO drive-life.rc_coins (identifier, bitcoin) VALUES (‘steam:11000010acd7153’, 0);”: ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE: Table ‘drive-life.rc_coins’ doesn’t exist

You must change the database link

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To fix the MySQL error is straightforward. Follow the install guide, but change this:
Line 18 on Server.lua

                  MySQL.Async.execute('INSERT INTO `es_extended`.`rc_coins` (`identifier`, `bitcoin`) VALUES (@identifier, @bitcoin);',

Just change the Database name to ‘es_extended’ (default ESX DB name) or whatever you named your DB.

The problem i have is the Phone will not close no matter what i do :rofl:
any ideas?