[Release] RadialMenu - Configurable menu for chat commands using Wheelnav.js

You just add it the the on foot part of the wheel

['menu'] = {                                  -- Example menu for emotes when player is on foot
        enableMenu = function()                     -- Function to enable/disable menu handling
            local player = GetPlayerPed(-1)
            return IsPedOnFoot(player)
        data = {                                    -- Data that is passed to Javascript
            keybind = "F5",                         -- Wheel keybind to use
            style = {                               -- Wheel style settings
                sizePx = 600,                       -- Wheel size in pixels
                slices = {                          -- Slice style settings
                    default = { ['fill'] = '#000000', ['stroke'] = '#000000', ['stroke-width'] = 2, ['opacity'] = 0.40 },
                    hover = { ['fill'] = '#ff8000', ['stroke'] = '#000000', ['stroke-width'] = 2, ['opacity'] = 0.60 },
                    selected = { ['fill'] = '#000000', ['stroke'] = '#000000', ['stroke-width'] = 2, ['opacity'] = 0.40 }
                titles = {                          -- Text style settings
                    default = { ['fill'] = '#ffffff', ['stroke'] = 'none', ['font'] = 'Helvetica', ['font-size'] = 16, ['font-weight'] = 'bold' },
                    hover = { ['fill'] = '#ffffff', ['stroke'] = 'none', ['font'] = 'Helvetica', ['font-size'] = 16, ['font-weight'] = 'bold' },
                    selected = { ['fill'] = '#ffffff', ['stroke'] = 'none', ['font'] = 'Helvetica', ['font-size'] = 16, ['font-weight'] = 'bold' }
                icons = {
                    width = 64,
                    height = 64
            wheels = {                              -- Array of wheels to display
                    navAngle = 270,                 -- Oritentation of wheel
                    minRadiusPercent = 0.3,         -- Minimum radius of wheel in percentage
                    maxRadiusPercent = 0.6,         -- Maximum radius of wheel in percentage
                    labels = {"imgsrc:idshow.png","imgsrc:idview.png","imgsrc:key.png","imgsrc:inv.png", "imgsrc:trunk2.png", "imgsrc:job.png", "imgsrc:phone2.png", "imgsrc:bag.png", "imgsrc:doc2.png"},
                    commands = {"zidshow","zidme", "lock", "zzyx", "zzyz", "zzjob", "zzphone", "zzyz1", "zzydoc"}
                    navAngle = 285,                 -- Oritentation of wheel
                    minRadiusPercent = 0.6,         -- Minimum radius of wheel in percentage
                    maxRadiusPercent = 0.9,         -- Maximum radius of wheel in percentage
                    labels = {"SALUTE", "FINGER", "PEACE", "FACEPALM", "DAMN", "FAIL", "DEAD", "GANG1", "GANG2", "COP", "HOLSTER", "CROWDS"},
                    commands = {"e salute", "e finger", "e peace", "e palm", "e damn", "e fail", "e dead", "e gang1", "e gang2", "e copidle", "e holster", "e copcrowd2"}