[RELEASE] r3_notifications

A notification manager.

Hi there, I created a plugin to manage all notifications. What this plugin does is send a notification using the selected notification plugin. This way you can make all your scripts send notifications to this plugin and if you then want to change the way you show notifications on your server you will only have to change this script.


  • Make sure all your plugins send out the same type of notifications
  • Easy configuration
  • Possibility to add more notification plugins


The guide on how to use this plugin can also be found there.

This is my first time posting a resource so if anything is wrong just say it in the comments and I’ll change it.

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Great work, but I miss a screenshot or short video

What kind of screenshot or video would you want?

One that shows what your resource is capable of and how to use it.

Also, could you add B1G_Notify

I’ll see what I can do regarding the video, the github readme should explain all of it tho. I’ll add B1G_Notify to my todo list.

Video or showcase?

Screenshots provided please

It’s just a handler so things that will show are the same as the selected plugin

new to lua, what do i put where it says target? mainly if i want the user that activated the dialogue to see the notification

If you want the user who triggered the event to get the notification you should put “source” without “” in there.

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