[RELEASE][QB][QBOX][FREE]Jc-motels - Immersive motel script

All goodz

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The motel script has now been sorted and should be able to work for y’all! Right now it’s only compatible with target but WILL be worked on to be compatible without target aswell for those who don’t use it! There will be a video and pictures about it soon too including a readme file but until then all you need basically is this item or create your own!

motelkey = { name = 'motelkey', label = 'Motel Key', weight = 0, type = 'item', image = 'motelkey.png', unique = true, useable = true, shouldClose = true, combinable = nil, description = 'A key for a room maybe..' },

Now since github likes to be a pain in the ass, I had to create an entire new repo -.- as it kept going on bs how stuff was causing issues and this and that, it likes to do that with big updates which is a massive pain in the ass but none the less the script is here and good to go! GitHub - Jewsie/jc-motel: A new and immersive motel script for QBcore all free!

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Thanks for the update, I can get it to the menus, but not buy or anything. I only have this error

Did you add the databases?

Yes, its in there

Im gonna have to see the whole error to help you then

You have not added the database tables, its telling you it cant find them

I can see that :slight_smile: But its actually in there.

Can you join my discord, so I can easier assist you?

Edit: I responded yesterdat but for some reason it never send which I first saw now… so sorry

Hey hey! I just wanted to give a heads up, cause I’m not sure if this is a universal thing, but after I’ve set up doors via qb-doorlock for the rooms and tested it. I was able to rent, unlock and lock the door perfectly fine. But when I went to go and return the rented room, the motelkey was still in my inventory and I was still able to access the room. Is there a way for when you select the option to un-rent the room, the motelkey is taken?

In fact, it doesn’t matter which room I rent from the menu, if I have the motelkey, I can just open any of the rooms. D:

Oh yes, thank you very much for this, I’ll have it sorted a little later today after my nap, I appreciate it!

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HOLY SHIT! I did not expect a reply so quickly. Thank you! I will keep an eye out. :slight_smile:

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The motel script has been updated with more stuff and compatibilities! Check out the readme on the github for changelog :wink:

This is one of my favorite scripts. <3

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The motel script has been properly updated now, there is still some things that needs to be fixed, HOWEVER you can now use the motel when you don’t use target. You can also sell the motel now again, qs-inventory compatibility etc(Later today or maybe tomorrow there will be compatibility for ps-inventory and ox-doorlocks) and more to come!

jc-motels - github

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The version supported of ox-doorlock and ps-inventory is now out! Make sure you use this ox_doorlock system GitHub - Obtaizen/ox_doorlock: ox_doorlock Nopixel 4,0 Inspired
It’s a little outdated, but the only one still compatible with qb-core! The version supported of ox-doorlock and ps-inventory is now out! Make sure you use this ox_doorlock system GitHub - Obtaizen/ox_doorlock: ox_doorlock Nopixel 4,0 Inspired
It’s a little outdated, but the only one still compatible with qb-core!

Make sure that the uniqueID of a room is the doorId number btw ingame when you type /doorlock you can see the dooritem
as can be seen the id would be 1

So instead of

  room = 'Room #1', -- Just the name of the room
  uniqueID = 'motel_D1', -- Has to match the name of the DoorID in qb-doorlock Config!
  doorPos = vector3(-710.1, 5768.33, 17.83), -- The location where the door is!
  stashPos = vector3(-710.96, 5767.11, 17.52), -- The location of the stash for the player!
  wardrobePos = vector3(-708.2, 5766.31, 17.51), -- The location of the wardrobe!
  doorLocked = true, -- Whether the door starts locked or not, need to be set the same as in the qb-doorlock Config file!
  stashData = {
    weight = 100000, -- The amount of weight 100000 = 100 KG
    slots = 50, -- The amount of slots you wanna give your players!
  renter = nil, -- Unless you want a permanent renter, leave nil.
  renterName = '', -- Leave this be blank!

as you would do in QB. You would do;

  room = 'Room #1', -- Just the name of the room
  uniqueID = 1, -- Has to match the name of the DoorID in qb-doorlock Config!
  doorPos = vector3(-710.1, 5768.33, 17.83), -- The location where the door is!
  stashPos = vector3(-710.96, 5767.11, 17.52), -- The location of the stash for the player!
  wardrobePos = vector3(-708.2, 5766.31, 17.51), -- The location of the wardrobe!
  doorLocked = true, -- Whether the door starts locked or not, need to be set the same as in the qb-doorlock Config file!
  stashData = {
    weight = 100000, -- The amount of weight 100000 = 100 KG
    slots = 50, -- The amount of slots you wanna give your players!
  renter = nil, -- Unless you want a permanent renter, leave nil.
  renterName = '', -- Leave this be blank!

Forgot to announce yesterday;
I have fixed some issues and bugs, you should now be able to manage your rooms in your owned motels, you should also be able to restrict players to only one room per motel now too etc!

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Now Compatible with ox_inventory and the qbox framework