[Release] Posted Speedlimit

How would i make the text smaller?

just add that street name with a speedlimit

Anyone know how I can optimize this script?

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Thank you for taking the time to create and release this. I’ve noticed I have to restart the script for the script to start working can you please look into this?

It’s quite possible that you are starting it too early, try adding it as the last thing you start in the config.

Hi love you edit to the script could you share it with us.

My bad; I removed parts from the script that I was using to prevent UI elements from displaying until fully spawned since they relied on kashacters (which I don’t even need anymore). Fixed in latest commit.

was this ever added?

How would I go about making it say speed limit to adding a speed limit sign with the speed?

How did you do that I really want e same position

where is it

It’s at the bottom of the cl_speed.lua
DrawTxt(1.160, 0.805, 1.0,1.0,0.55,

So I’ve been trying to change the positioning of the text to be here (in the image) and cannot figure out the coordinates for it. Anybody know the coords or how to find it?


        DrawTxt(0.660, 1.450, 1.0,1.0,0.55,"~p~Speedlimit: ~w~"..speedlimit.."~p~ mph", 255,255,255,255)

Is there a way I can edit the file so that every time I click my Right Stick on controller it doesn’t toggle the display for it?

How do you change the color of the text?

I’ve started having the issue of this doesn’t show anymore and I’m not sure why, anyone else have this issue?

love it but id like to have to full hud the have in bottom left and have the speed limit down of bottom left

can i get those cords