[Release] Postal Code Map & Minimap - New & Improved - v1.3

Does anyone know how to install this in Fivem client sided?
I have tried to look up videos but all of them after horrible maps compare to this one.

Always enjoyed your postal map!
Getting back into the FiveM myself (late 30’s now)… will certainly put it to use.

Is it possible to change where you type in /postal number to /p number - if so what file would need editing? TIA

are you using a script for the /postal #### command? if so which one? i dont see a script here that works with these postals

Search for nearest-postal.


this one?

I just got the code. works well…

Yes you can change the command from /postal to /p, i just did it.


go in that file, line 14

RegisterCommand('postal', function(_, args)

change that “postal” to “p”

RegisterCommand('p', function(_, args)

Also line 11

TriggerEvent('chat:addSuggestion', '/postal', 'Set the GPS to a specific postal',

Change the /postal to /p

TriggerEvent('chat:addSuggestion', '/p', 'Set the GPS to a specific postal',

and that will make it for you to use /p as the command.

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Does anyone have the map of Cayo Perico with color?

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Does any1 have this bug?

Is there a way I can remove the postals from my minimap? I don’t mind having it on the Pause Map, but I’d prefer it to not be in the minimap

did you find one?

I have found there was a issue with (postal code) being compatible with the new qbcore preset when starting a new server. When applying this qb-hub has a setting for some reason blocks the map from viewing. If you go into qb-hub and config.lua there a line (isToggleMapBordersChecked = true, – isToggleMapBordersChecked) < old new> (isToggleMapBordersChecked = false, – isToggleMapBordersChecked) changing from true to false will allow the map to appear. welcome for anyone who had this issue.

why am i getting this?

Hey do you know how the flickering can be fixed with the minimap with qb-core? does this solution fix that?

do you have stark mansion

I placed it in my resources and put ensure map in the cfg but it’s not loading. The nearest postal script does work. Any idea what I may have done wrong?

Hey can you tell me how can i import map without postel codes for my fivem server

Did you find a fix?

Update found a fix
Head to this path map/client.lua
remove section as shown in image.


this is for the flickering map in QBCore