I see what you mean, but all the needed roles are defined in Discord_perms and your script but for some reason still comes up with the error code “You must be an LEO on our discord to use this”
I’m using duty markers for the on/off duty thing, is there a simple way of making it read the on/off duty from the job directly instead of using the command?..since my markers basically change the job to i.e. police_off from police and such.
Can someone please make a youtube tutorial it still doesnt work and its makes no sense how to setup.
Do you need a discord bot for this to work? Or just a webhook?
This is the problem I have: https://gyazo.com/ff476a8e8a6e84dad496feb2af2886f5
do I need to edit the blips.lua files?
also the discord roles for permission wont work even though I have checked for correct info. is there another one I could use?
All the scripts work fine. Any problems are user errors…
Having some problems with the script, not major but just confusing to me
Post your config…
Why have you edited any of the code?.. Don’t edit ANY of the code. Just edit roleList
how do I set the webhook thing up then?
By replacing the nil values in roleList, with the webhook link inside of ‘this’
like this?
It still shows this
You have to have one of the roles defined to use the command
yes that worked but now I can’t see the blips on the map for some reason is there a way to fix that?
Replace the code you changed, with my original code…
what do you mean defined role? I have the role I put as the code for it in discord.
If you’re an Admin and have “enable blips” toggled on you’ll encounter this. Turn off your admin permissions and “enable blips” to off and you should see the blips just fine on duty. I encountered this yesterday on my own server. Disabling my blips as Admin fixed it for me.
Post your roleList…
what command is it in console for that