[Release] pNotify - In-game JS Notifications Using NOTY

how i can replace this code TriggerEvent('esx_phone:registerNumber', 'taxi', _U('taxi_client'), true, true)
with pNotify ?

NOTY OPTIONS - https://ned.im/noty/#/options

Happened to me too

you gotta at least have some basic programming knowledge to do this smh

TriggerEvent(‘esx_phone:registerNumber’, ‘taxi’, _U(‘taxi_client’), true, true)
REPLACE the bottom text with the top one

export.pNotify:SendNotification({text = “taxi_client”, type = “success”, queue = “global”, timeout = 2000, layout = @centreLeft})

Hi I’m having a little bit of a struggle I’m trying to make it so it says “you can’t harvest this there is not enough cops online!”

this is my code I don’t know what I’m doing wrong could I get some help thanks


This how I have it

TriggerEvent("pNotify:SendNotification", {text = "Test text", type = "info", queue = "vehiclemenu", timeout = 700, layout = "bottomCenter"})

Can someone help me use pNotify for esx_outlawalert? https://gyazo.com/92d2a1f7deef989581e2c3443f8fa108

For some users, pNotify is randomly not working for them. It requires me to restart pNotify for the script to then work.

There is nothing in the log saying why it hasn’t worked on either client or server. Out of 30 players, 2-3 it might not work for. Any ideas why?

can you show a message in the image of everyone with a command? If so can you send an example?

Hey, I have a problem. I didn`t change anything, when I installed it. Here the Problem:

how do i get this to work with my resources i am struggling to get it to work

How can I make notifications appear side-by-side, not sub-bottom?

Any help?

hello, how can I make it support other languages? because it’s showing Arabic letters as question marks ???

anyone know how can i change the notification text to this one?

Hi, I am getting pNotify could not be loaded please help? BTW, is it just to place the folder in resources and start it on server.cfg or do I have to add some scripts for it to work?

change the folder name to pnotify then add it to server.cfg

I renamed it to pnotify and it now says could not load pnotify
all lowercase :frowning:

Sen me your error message. let me check