[Release] Pillbox Hospital Interior (MLO)

Absolutely amazing release fam! Just stuck the resource straight into my testing folder, started it and it loaded flawlessly. My chief of EMS is going to freak out in the morning.


how/where do you put this info?

in your teleport script

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cheers ive never used teleports beofr, the script I got came with a drug one, the guy put all the teleports in for drugs, so I assume I just put this in their in the config?

How to add to bob74_ipl and stop crashing

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nice release !. Now my hospital is brighter than the old one.

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use this esx_teleports

its normally 3ds max

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this isn’t for the older version dude

Can you use “Pillbox Hospital by Jobscraft” with this?


yes you can

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Thank you all for those positive commentaries. Maybe i will make a second floor in the future.

Door coordinates are added in the first post so that you could add it to your door lock script.

We have been using this interior over a month and no crashes had been noticed. Check your scripts.

We haven’t tested this

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Very nice and optimized, FPS has not changed. Thanks a lot!


Yes I use PillboxHospital jobscraft, and thx for this hospital

cant make this work in the server, is it there any conflict with ip74?
cuz as the OP state it, i just downloaded it, added to resources and to the start server cfg also, but nothing happend

nvm was looking at the “wrong” floor lol

How to remove npc that spawn inside hospital?

You can try Native Reference - Cfx.re Docs

wow it looks nice! :heart_eyes:

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    while (true) do
        ClearAreaOfPeds(342.44, -587.00, 27.79, 50.0, 1)