[Release] PD5M - Multiplayer PvE Police Script - Ambient Events

So when fining a ped, for some reason it makes my ped bounce back like he’s getting bumped back. Video to show.

Hey there,
two things to mention here:

  • Think of the X-menu like an action-menu. You do this action without telling the ped anything. So in this case you actually don’t fine the ped. The ped “resists” you giving them the fine.
    This actually goes for nearly any interaction you do with peds. Tell them you are gonna arrest them or better see what happens if you don’t :smiley:
  • The actual thing seen in the video is a bug. If you were to fine a ped outside of a car they would bump you and you bouncing back would make sence. For some reason the event gets triggered for “on foot” instead of “in car”. Thanks for the bug-report, will look into that.

Understandable. But when fining, can you make it so the cop pulls out a notepad like he’s writing a citation and some wording along with it like “I’ll be issuing you a citation today”.

And for future development, for fining, a menu after you click Fine Ped where you can choose the fine, so then the wording would be “I’ll be issuing you a citation for (speeding, failure to stop, etc etc)” Just to get the immersion in there :slight_smile:


Yes! That would work fine

Hey the menu dont open when pressing X


This is for AI…

so not for online players?

Hey there,

every online player can use this against NPCs. It’s purely a PvE script.

As for your database-question I’m not sure what you mean exactly. If CAD/MDT I highly doubt that I am able to write my own version. What is planned is a mod-side save of player-data (position, character, …?).

Is this a standalone script (Do you need ESX to use this resource?)

ESX is not a dependency on this script

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Did you ever find a way to disable control support for radialmenu?

Looking into it this evening.

Thank you

Hey i’m having an issue where when i press X nothing happens.

Did you move the files mentioned in the installation instructions in the readme?

Works for me, make sure you have the ai stopped from turning your lights on then do bumper to bumper and do traffic stop

also try to use “e” that could work too, still figureing it out myself

just need it to work with police job only and it will be perfect for me. 10/10

Any luck on the controller ?

Hello everyone,

v0.1.0.2 just got released:

  • Fix: Pack-function should work on most police vehicles now.
  • Fix: Error messages for the garages are now written in english.
  • Fix: Fixed variable names so the resisting-function is functioning properly for peds in vehicles.
  • Fix: Fixed an error that allowed players in cars to be interacted with.
  • Fix: Disabled controller input for radialmenu.
  • Fix: Grab-function now properly works on peds that have been arrested by other players.

You can either install the update like a normal installation or replace the following files:

Have fun playing, and as usual please report any bugs you notice in the bug tracker on the github.