[RELEASE] [PAID] [UPDATE 2021-05-31] Air Drop In Zone

Only the player the uses the flare can loot it

Is there by chance all players can loot the crate? or only the player that uses the flare?

Only the player that uses the flare can loot the crate. But i can do it for all players for you if you buy it :slight_smile: .

Uhh i already bought your script that is why I am using it

Where can I contact you?

UPDATE 2021-05-31 Now the drop can be taken by anyone.

Who bough
I have good news for you now the drop can be taken by anyone. Send your transactions id to me
and you get a new version.

Sita gera padaryta kartu buvau ir maciau :slight_smile:

hey. i could not loot the box
saw than in forum that i need mythic_progbar.
now i press E on box and it starts the progbar
after the bar finishes my character is stuck and dont get any loot.

mythic_progbar.rar (17.4 KB)
Hello try mine progbar .

works now thank you


guys idk why mine its not working i try to join the game but cfx.re is not connect?

Looks like Tebex Store is currently offline dude.

Webstore unavailable

have u updated all your scripts? i cant.loot the drop. inventory dont show up in esx legacy and the danger zone , the crates disappear after looting one.

Has this been moved to keymaster yet? I havent been able to get the script to work in the new ESX form for quite a while and figured Iā€™d ask