[RELEASE] [PAID] [STANDALONE] Loaf - Operational TV's

As this is a standalone script that is not a feature. It would be possible to implement on your own, I don’t have any plans to implement it though.

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Cant figure out how to upload my mp4 videos to work with this, any suggestions?

You need to host the video on a website that uses https. Then you just do /play mp4 link

Ok thanks got it, last question, for the cinema doppler screen I have to use noclip to get closer to the tv screen to use it, is there any way to change the distance for that one?

I think if you stand nearby it won’t show the prompt but you can still use the commands

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Hello i was thinking about this, its a stand w TV and im not sure if will works cuz i need scale, offset and distance. I dont know how to find this. :smiley: Model: v_med_cor_tvstand

How can i add extra tv i have sound and can do all but cant see a video

You need to add the correct rendertarget to the config.

How i get the render target

There is this list, which is pretty good: https://bit.ly/3O1YBpC
You can also get it via OpenIV, I don’t remember how but I think there is a guide on the forums somewhere

where can i find offset of an tv ?

Hi @Loaf-Scripts and good work!

I only have problems with some models like the following:

They are big screens, but neither plays nor pops up handlers even adding it to the setup in different ways. The v_ilev_cin_screen screen seems to come configured but has a different structure than the others. Could you clarify what is needed to configure the big screen models?


Is the library standalone or qbcore? Because when looking at the config it says ESX/QbCore

I believe the text doesn’t show up as you are not close enough, but if you do the command they should still work

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The lib is standalone.

As you have said in this model: v_ilev_cin_screen everything was a matter of be closest to the screen, we can see it perfectly. I have not had so much luck with the other one (prop_huge_display_02), if someone knows how to configure it I would appreciate it. All the best!

    Model = `prop_huge_display_02`,
    Distance = 50.0,
    Draw = "big_disp"

Great! Working perfectly with this setup. Many thanks for the support. :slight_smile:

hey is there someone who might know the scale for model hei_heist_str_avunitl_03

I have created my own TV cinema screen prop how can I add it to your script plz ?