[RELEASE] [PAID] [STANDALONE] Loaf - Operational TV's

You can only watch YouTube videos at the moment, I have plans to add Twitch channels as well

I did not understand, after entering the name of the custom prop, what should I put on the other values?

Well, I’m not sure. I just try different values, if it is too far away, I lower the y offset (lower = backwards) etc.

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But there is a tutorial for do that, because idk what valor I do for change all the vector

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I legit sent that in the original post

mm ok, but is the coordinate of what?

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that x y z, where do I get them from? what would those coordinates be? the coordinates of the television at stake? how do i make sure that the tv is recognized in the game?

A playlist of local mp4s on the server would be really cool as well :slight_smile:

Hello :slight_smile: amazing mod. Just wondering if there is a fix for the cookies window? Every time i enter the link the cookies window shows up. Im the only one on the server who has this problem. Thank you

Thanks :smiley:

The cookies window should only pop up if you change the URL in the config, I don’t know how to remove it unfortunately :confused:

image in the borders is really bad, deformed

how can i join in badman city?

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Is there a pause, rewind, or scroll forward ability?

im trying to find the name of the prop for the large screen at the “inside track” section of the diamond casino.
i would love to get the TV to work on such a large screen but am having a hard time figuring it out.
any ideas?

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That screen looks like it is curved so I am not sure if it will work, you can find objects with for example koil-debug

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Is there anyway to reduce the transparency of the rendered video? I put this on the cinema screen object, and since the screen is white it bleeds through a lot around the edges. Here is a black video playing to show this

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How koil-debug works?, I am trying to get the script to work with this screen.

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In the client.lua change local dickheaddebug = false to true, and it should show all objects and other info

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how can i turn it on
/tv “link youtube”

I have good tips for resolving copyrighted stuff
I just write the code to resolve this stuff GitHub - vinhkosd/virtualembedyoutube.github.io
the solution is to use embed and uses one HTML site to iframe the youtube site
sorry for my bad English
here is the demo

you can use my website config or clone my repository and make your own
Config[‘URL’] = ‘https://vinhkosd.github.io/virtualembedyoutube.github.io/index.html?id=%s&autoplay=1&controls=1&disablekb=1&fs=0&rel=0&showinfo=0&iv_load_policy=3&start=%s