[Release][Paid] [ESX] No Cap Developments: Battle Royale

No Cap Developments | ESX: Battle Royale

A great way to host memorable events for your RP server!

Preview Video: Battle Royale Preview

About The Script

This Battle Royale script is a great way to create a fun event for your community. With the highly customizable options you can pretty much make it for what ever you want. EG: we have personally used it for a Star Wars Themed Battle Royale on may the fourth.


  • Highly Customizable

  • Start/Stop Commands (Configurable to your liking)

  • Start sound (customize link and volume or turn it off)

  • Automatic crate spawning in an area you define (Cayo by default)

  • Cannon Sound on player death (server wide, change the sound, volume or turn it off)

  • Make the crates automatically give ammo or not based off what weapon they get

Tebex Link: https://no-cap-rp.tebex.io/package/5100296

When Active (increases a little when next to a crate and runs higher when initially spawning all the crates):

When Idle:

Config Preview:

Config = {}

-- How many crates do you want to spawn for each client? (this number works well if you want them to spawn fairly commonly across cayo) Setting this crazy high could cause client crashes, so far tested with 35 people at once at 400 no issues :)
Config.Crates = 400

-- Set the name of the group you want to be able to use the command
Config.AdminGroup = "admin"

Config.UseMarker = true

-- Which marker type would you like (https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/markers/)
Config.MarkerType = 0

--RGB Colours --
Config.MarkerR = 255
Config.MarkerG = 0
Config.MarkerB = 0

-----------  START SOUND (need to use the xSound Dependency if you want to use this)  -------------
-- Use start sound
Config.UseSound = true

-- Set your own link if you want (for start sound)
Config.Link = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsl854orF1I"

-- Max vol = 1.0 
Config.Volume = 1.0

----------- CANNON SOUND --------

-- Sound Cannon on player death?
Config.UseCannon = true
-- Cannon Sound
Config.CannonLink = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hVuKDWl-54"
Config.CannonVolume = 0.5

-------- GENERAL SETTINGS -----------
-- Set the prop  (can find object refrences here https://gta-objects.xyz/)
Config.CrateProp = "hei_prop_carrier_crate_01a"
--- What command do you want to start the battle royale?
Config.StartCommand = "startroyale"
-- Command to end
Config.EndCommand = "endroyale"

-- Set the progressbar text
Config.CrateText = "Opening Crate"
-- Set the time to open crates (in miliseconds)
Config.CrateOpen = 5000

-- Change the Key for interacting with the crate
Config.InteractKey = "E"

--- Give Ammo with the guns? (configure what ammo item they get at the bottom of the config)
Config.GiveAmmo = true

-- Gives 1 unit of ammo (most city's have it set up as an ammo box hence 1)
Config.AmmoAmount = 1 


--     [SPAWNING (currently set for cayo)]      --
--- Determine The 2 "x" Coords the crates can spawn between (always make sure xBounds1 is the lesser value) Make sure its a whole number as its used in a random number generator
Config.xBounds1 = 3800

Config.xBounds2 = 5600

--- Determine The 2 "y" Coords the crates can spawn between (always make sure yBounds1 is the lesser value)
Config.yBounds1 = -6000

Config.yBounds2 = -4250

-- [Client]
--- Disable this if you want to stop all item giving events and make your ow in clientutils
Config.UseDefualtClEvent = true

-- If you want to execute some extra code when opening a crate enable this. (find the event in client utils) 
Config.UseCustomClEvent = false

--- disable this if you want to stop the default item giving events
Config.UseDefualtSvEvent = true

--- Enable this if you want to execute your own code in SV_utils
Config.UseCustomSvEvent = false

--     [Items - Make sure you customise these to your liking/database names]      --

--- Always make sure the chance of each of the categorys add up to a total of 100
Config.Rewards = {
-- Common Items
Common = {
    chance = 50,
     -- It will pick ONE of these items at random
    Items = {

-- Rare Items 
Rare = {
    chance = 30,
    Items = {


-- Ultra Rare 
UltraRare = {
 chance = 15,
 Items = {


-- Extremely Rare 
ExtremelyRare = {
    chance =  5,
    Items = {



-- Make sure the value on the left equals the item they find in a crate and then the value on the right should equal the database name of the item you want them to have
Config.Ammo = {
WEAPON_PISTOL = "ammunition_pistol",
WEAPON_SMG = "ammunition_smg",
WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE = "ammunition_rifle",
WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN = "ammunition_shotgun",
Code is accessible Yes: Utils for client and server so you can customize certain events
Subscription-based No
Lines ~524
Requirements ESX, rProgress (required) xsound (optional)
Support Yes

I like it, although I noticed when you end the royale the crate didnt disappear, are you going to make it delete the object otherwise crates will be just around

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Yeah that is something I can do, I will be taking suggestions and improving it over time :slight_smile:

Ill list a couple suggestions
1: Get that resmon idle down to 0.00ms
2: Delete crates on end

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Yeah 100% I believe it may already be at 0ms as I re-wrote the thread that was causing it to be at 0.01ms after recording it, when I get the chance ill run another resmon