[Release] OCRP’s Casino Street Track

if u look at the pics u will see how to get on the truck to get in there drive to the right side of the casino u will see a road driving down to the track


its blocked by a wall


anyone able to fix this https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/793111660688757120/5D765AB4C7824A65594326FAB7FB0382DCDBAA6E/

try removing all other maps you have. and leave the track. it looks like you have another map overlapping it.

so you add to resources folder then /start OCRPRacetrack and /start OCRPRacetrack_Models ??

What is the resource.lua code for OCRPRacetrack_Models?

resource_manifest_version ‘77731fab-63ca-442c-a67b-abc70f28dfa5’

this_is_a_map ‘yes’

@ocrp Did you guys ever modify this for the Diamond Casino DLC? It seems to be designed for the older casino due to all the issues I am experiencing with it. If possible uploading a more updated version would be great

I suspect it is due to the diamond casino update but who knows, anyway here’s a video I uploaded that shows what I am talking about

its for the old casino

What is your voice script? In the bottom right.

That was my personal fork of trew_hud but I no longer use it, as it has a lot of unnecessary things in it

Is there anyway to load the track without loading in the road surface?

Seems like you have to manually add a resource manifest to OCRPRacetrack_Models for it to work.

And it also seems like parts of the track still behave like dirt whereas some behave as asphalt.

if you have the casino dlc it messes up the track


Yeah, seems to be okay with our Casino interior addon removed :+1:

I am always so thankful that the great members of OCRP release their awesome things to the community so we can all enjoy them.

Having Issues with the Barriers. The Original Casino Barriers are not Visible however they are still a thing and vehicles can still hit them etc. any reason for this?

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Would it be possible to have a version of this with the pits/infield but with dirt? It would be great for rping covering the track in dirt and it would be miles better than the base game track.

Any chance this will ever get an update for the new casino? :bowing_man: