please can you check please if it’s ok for you ?
I can’t test it, I don’t have this garage script. Soon I’ll be posting here, a step by step to insert in ESX.Game.SetVehicleProperties the functions that are missing so that all customizations work without needing to use the GetCustomCar event of my script
ok nice im waiting for it.
Update / Instruction (ONLY FOR ESX)
Well, these days, many ask me for support regarding the TriggerServerEvent event (“Mx :: GetCustomCar”, VEHICLE_ID, VEHICLE_PLATE), which was not managing to make it work.
So I decided to do a step by step to add the functions that are missing in ESX to activate some vehicle customizations, without needing to use the ‘GetCustomCar’ event.
In this, it will no longer be necessary to modify your garage script for example. Those who have already modified and worked correctly can SKIP this update.
Attention: Backup the files that will be modified.
Go to your esx server > es_extended/client/functions.lua
Search for ESX.Game.GetVehicleProperties and ESX.Game.SetVehicleProperties
Replace the two functions with the functions below:
ESX.Game.SetVehicleProperties = function(vehicle, props)
if DoesEntityExist(vehicle) then
local colorPrimary, colorSecondary = GetVehicleColours(vehicle)
local pearlescentColor, wheelColor = GetVehicleExtraColours(vehicle)
SetVehicleModKit(vehicle, 0)
if props.plate then SetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle, props.plate) end
if props.plateIndex then SetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(vehicle, props.plateIndex) end
if props.bodyHealth then SetVehicleBodyHealth(vehicle, props.bodyHealth + 0.0) end
if props.engineHealth then SetVehicleEngineHealth(vehicle, props.engineHealth + 0.0) end
if props.tankHealth then SetVehiclePetrolTankHealth(vehicle, props.tankHealth + 0.0) end
if props.fuelLevel then SetVehicleFuelLevel(vehicle, props.fuelLevel + 0.0) end
if props.dirtLevel then SetVehicleDirtLevel(vehicle, props.dirtLevel + 0.0) end
-- Removed
-- if props.color1 then SetVehicleColours(vehicle, props.color1, colorSecondary) end
-- if props.color2 then SetVehicleColours(vehicle, props.color1 or colorPrimary, props.color2) end
SetVehicleColours(vehicle, props.color1, props.color2) -- Added
-- Added
if props.Rcolor_primary and props.Gcolor_primary and props.Bcolor_primary then
SetVehicleCustomPrimaryColour(vehicle, props.Rcolor_primary, props.Gcolor_primary, props.Bcolor_primary)
-- Added
if props.Rcolor_secondary and props.Gcolor_secondary and props.Bcolor_secondary then
SetVehicleCustomSecondaryColour(vehicle, props.Rcolor_secondary, props.Gcolor_secondary, props.Bcolor_secondary)
if props.pearlescentColor then SetVehicleExtraColours(vehicle, props.pearlescentColor, wheelColor) end
if props.wheelColor then SetVehicleExtraColours(vehicle, props.pearlescentColor or pearlescentColor, props.wheelColor) end
if props.wheels then SetVehicleWheelType(vehicle, props.wheels) end
-- Removed
-- if props.windowTint then SetVehicleWindowTint(vehicle, props.windowTint) end
-- Added
if props.windowTint or props.windowTint == -1 then
if props.windowTint == -1 then
SetVehicleWindowTint(vehicle, 0)
SetVehicleWindowTint(vehicle, props.windowTint)
if props.neonEnabled then
SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(vehicle, 0, props.neonEnabled[1])
SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(vehicle, 1, props.neonEnabled[2])
SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(vehicle, 2, props.neonEnabled[3])
SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(vehicle, 3, props.neonEnabled[4])
if props.extras then
for extraId,enabled in pairs(props.extras) do
if enabled then
SetVehicleExtra(vehicle, tonumber(extraId), 0)
SetVehicleExtra(vehicle, tonumber(extraId), 1)
if props.neonColor then SetVehicleNeonLightsColour(vehicle, props.neonColor[1], props.neonColor[2], props.neonColor[3]) end
if props.xenonColor then SetVehicleXenonLightsColour(vehicle, props.xenonColor) end
if props.modSmokeEnabled then ToggleVehicleMod(vehicle, 20, true) end
if props.tyreSmokeColor then SetVehicleTyreSmokeColor(vehicle, props.tyreSmokeColor[1], props.tyreSmokeColor[2], props.tyreSmokeColor[3]) end
if props.modSpoilers then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 0, props.modSpoilers, false) end
if props.modFrontBumper then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 1, props.modFrontBumper, false) end
if props.modRearBumper then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 2, props.modRearBumper, false) end
if props.modSideSkirt then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 3, props.modSideSkirt, false) end
if props.modExhaust then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 4, props.modExhaust, false) end
if props.modFrame then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 5, props.modFrame, false) end
if props.modGrille then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 6, props.modGrille, false) end
if props.modHood then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 7, props.modHood, false) end
if props.modFender then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 8, props.modFender, false) end
if props.modRightFender then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 9, props.modRightFender, false) end
if props.modRoof then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 10, props.modRoof, false) end
if props.modEngine then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 11, props.modEngine, false) end
if props.modBrakes then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 12, props.modBrakes, false) end
if props.modTransmission then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 13, props.modTransmission, false) end
if props.modHorns then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 14, props.modHorns, false) end
if props.modSuspension then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 15, props.modSuspension, false) end
if props.modArmor then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 16, props.modArmor, false) end
if props.modTurbo then ToggleVehicleMod(vehicle, 18, props.modTurbo) end
if props.modXenon then ToggleVehicleMod(vehicle, 22, props.modXenon) end
if props.modFrontWheels then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 23, props.modFrontWheels, false) end
if props.modBackWheels then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 24, props.modBackWheels, false) end
if props.modPlateHolder then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 25, props.modPlateHolder, false) end
if props.modVanityPlate then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 26, props.modVanityPlate, false) end
if props.modTrimA then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 27, props.modTrimA, false) end
if props.modOrnaments then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 28, props.modOrnaments, false) end
if props.modDashboard then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 29, props.modDashboard, false) end
if props.modDial then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 30, props.modDial, false) end
if props.modDoorSpeaker then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 31, props.modDoorSpeaker, false) end
if props.modSeats then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 32, props.modSeats, false) end
if props.modSteeringWheel then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 33, props.modSteeringWheel, false) end
if props.modShifterLeavers then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 34, props.modShifterLeavers, false) end
if props.modAPlate then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 35, props.modAPlate, false) end
if props.modSpeakers then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 36, props.modSpeakers, false) end
if props.modTrunk then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 37, props.modTrunk, false) end
if props.modHydrolic then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 38, props.modHydrolic, false) end
if props.modEngineBlock then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 39, props.modEngineBlock, false) end
if props.modAirFilter then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 40, props.modAirFilter, false) end
if props.modStruts then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 41, props.modStruts, false) end
if props.modArchCover then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 42, props.modArchCover, false) end
if props.modAerials then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 43, props.modAerials, false) end
if props.modTrimB then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 44, props.modTrimB, false) end
if props.modTank then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 45, props.modTank, false) end
if props.modWindows then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 46, props.modWindows, false) end
if props.modLivery then
SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 48, props.modLivery, false)
SetVehicleLivery(vehicle, props.modLivery)
ESX.Game.GetVehicleProperties = function(vehicle)
if DoesEntityExist(vehicle) then
local colorPrimary, colorSecondary = GetVehicleColours(vehicle)
local r_color_primary, g_color_primary, b_color_primary = GetVehicleCustomPrimaryColour(vehicle) -- Added
local r_color_secondary, g_color_secondary, b_color_secondary = GetVehicleCustomSecondaryColour(vehicle) -- Added
local pearlescentColor, wheelColor = GetVehicleExtraColours(vehicle)
local extras = {}
for extraId=0, 12 do
if DoesExtraExist(vehicle, extraId) then
local state = IsVehicleExtraTurnedOn(vehicle, extraId) == 1
extras[tostring(extraId)] = state
return {
model = GetEntityModel(vehicle),
plate = ESX.Math.Trim(GetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle)),
plateIndex = GetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(vehicle),
bodyHealth = ESX.Math.Round(GetVehicleBodyHealth(vehicle), 1),
engineHealth = ESX.Math.Round(GetVehicleEngineHealth(vehicle), 1),
tankHealth = ESX.Math.Round(GetVehiclePetrolTankHealth(vehicle), 1),
fuelLevel = ESX.Math.Round(GetVehicleFuelLevel(vehicle), 1),
dirtLevel = ESX.Math.Round(GetVehicleDirtLevel(vehicle), 1),
color1 = colorPrimary,
color2 = colorSecondary,
Rcolor_primary = r_color_primary, -- Added
Gcolor_primary = g_color_primary, -- Added
Bcolor_primary = b_color_primary, -- Added
Rcolor_secondary = r_color_secondary, -- Added
Gcolor_secondary = g_color_secondary, -- Added
Bcolor_secondary = b_color_secondary, -- Added
pearlescentColor = pearlescentColor,
wheelColor = wheelColor,
wheels = GetVehicleWheelType(vehicle),
customtires1 = GetVehicleModVariation(vehicle, 23), -- Added
customtires2 = GetVehicleModVariation(vehicle, 24), -- Added
windowTint = GetVehicleWindowTint(vehicle),
xenonColor = GetVehicleXenonLightsColour(vehicle),
neonEnabled = {
IsVehicleNeonLightEnabled(vehicle, 0),
IsVehicleNeonLightEnabled(vehicle, 1),
IsVehicleNeonLightEnabled(vehicle, 2),
IsVehicleNeonLightEnabled(vehicle, 3)
neonColor = table.pack(GetVehicleNeonLightsColour(vehicle)),
extras = extras,
tyreSmokeColor = table.pack(GetVehicleTyreSmokeColor(vehicle)),
modSpoilers = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 0),
modFrontBumper = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 1),
modRearBumper = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 2),
modSideSkirt = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 3),
modExhaust = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 4),
modFrame = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 5),
modGrille = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 6),
modHood = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 7),
modFender = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 8),
modRightFender = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 9),
modRoof = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 10),
modEngine = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 11),
modBrakes = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 12),
modTransmission = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 13),
modHorns = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 14),
modSuspension = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 15),
modArmor = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 16),
modTurbo = IsToggleModOn(vehicle, 18),
modSmokeEnabled = IsToggleModOn(vehicle, 20),
modXenon = IsToggleModOn(vehicle, 22),
modFrontWheels = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 23),
modBackWheels = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 24),
modPlateHolder = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 25),
modVanityPlate = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 26),
modTrimA = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 27),
modOrnaments = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 28),
modDashboard = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 29),
modDial = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 30),
modDoorSpeaker = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 31),
modSeats = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 32),
modSteeringWheel = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 33),
modShifterLeavers = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 34),
modAPlate = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 35),
modSpeakers = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 36),
modTrunk = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 37),
modHydrolic = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 38),
modEngineBlock = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 39),
modAirFilter = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 40),
modStruts = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 41),
modArchCover = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 42),
modAerials = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 43),
modTrimB = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 44),
modTank = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 45),
modWindows = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 46),
modLivery = GetVehicleLivery(vehicle)
hello, i want to know
Src Vue JS folder… we dont need it right ?
Just install files into the build folder ?
No. This folder is a source of VUE ie NUI Designer
100% recommend this script to anyone on the fence.
Not only is it top quality, the dev is extremely friendly and helpful, the support is incredible!
How can I add the blips defined in the config to the map?
Go to config.lua
And it depends on where you have the blip, permission and coordinates
If you leave the permission blank, everyone will have access to the blip, it’s up to you.
The ones that come by default, are not in LsCustoms, are in the place that I showed in the post video, I left it up to each one to define the custom places.
Ah yes, I’ve got it to allow everyone to use, marker on the map isn’t showing. Thought maybe it was supposed to.
Ah, the script doesn’t generate a marker on the map, I think I forgot to add that haha .
I will add soon
True. Good script and best system for custom and mxlol try to help a lot !
Update 1.1 (Build 1.1)
Adjustment: Font-Family of nui have been changed.
Adjustment: Slight adjustment in the nui designer.
Adjustment: Designer, font-family size and ‘Inputs’ placement.
Adjustment: Size of font-family of descriptions of some ‘Inputs’ has been reduced.
Fixed: Livery can now be removed.
Fixed: Paintings (livery) of some cars like Penumbra, Everon were not showing, now yes.
Fixed: Horns now play when selected from the menu.
Fixed: When reopening the menu, it didn’t return to the main page, causing some problems.
Fixed: The ESC (Escape) key was not closing the menu.
Fixed: There was a problem in the index of the description of some inputs when they were selected.
Added: Now you can set the money for each level of the customization. Example: Motor level 1 ($1000), Motor level 2 ($2000).
This can be done in Config.lua > ‘Modifications’ > ‘levelprice’.
Example: Let’s say that the vehicle ‘spoilers’ has 3 different types of spoilers, to add different prices, simply do:
levelprice = {10, 50, 100}, the 1st will cost $10, the 2nd $50 and the 3rd $100. -
Added: When using the menu, the camera is set in each part of the car, you can disable it in config.lua and use the free camera or you can use both, whichever is better.
Added: Icons on the map indicating the menu location.
Added: Dashboard icon in the menu.
Added: Steering Wheel icon in the menu.
Added: New mod > Dashboard Color (Warning: This mod doesn’t work on all cars, however it will always be available).
Added: New mod > Interior Color (Note: This mod doesn’t work on all cars, however it will always be available).
Added: Vehicle information such as: Engine life, damage to the vehicle body, amount of gasoline and how dirty the vehicle is.
Go to your esx server > es_extended/client/functions.lua
Search for ESX.Game.GetVehicleProperties and ESX.Game.SetVehicleProperties
Replace the two functions with the functions below:
ESX.Game.GetVehicleProperties = function(vehicle)
if DoesEntityExist(vehicle) then
local colorPrimary, colorSecondary = GetVehicleColours(vehicle)
local r_color_primary, g_color_primary, b_color_primary = GetVehicleCustomPrimaryColour(vehicle) -- Added
local r_color_secondary, g_color_secondary, b_color_secondary = GetVehicleCustomSecondaryColour(vehicle) -- Added
local pearlescentColor, wheelColor = GetVehicleExtraColours(vehicle)
local extras = {}
for extraId=0, 12 do
if DoesExtraExist(vehicle, extraId) then
local state = IsVehicleExtraTurnedOn(vehicle, extraId) == 1
extras[tostring(extraId)] = state
return {
model = GetEntityModel(vehicle),
plate = ESX.Math.Trim(GetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle)),
plateIndex = GetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(vehicle),
bodyHealth = ESX.Math.Round(GetVehicleBodyHealth(vehicle), 1),
engineHealth = ESX.Math.Round(GetVehicleEngineHealth(vehicle), 1),
tankHealth = ESX.Math.Round(GetVehiclePetrolTankHealth(vehicle), 1),
fuelLevel = ESX.Math.Round(GetVehicleFuelLevel(vehicle), 1),
dirtLevel = ESX.Math.Round(GetVehicleDirtLevel(vehicle), 1),
color1 = colorPrimary,
color2 = colorSecondary,
Rcolor_primary = r_color_primary, -- Added
Gcolor_primary = g_color_primary, -- Added
Bcolor_primary = b_color_primary, -- Added
Rcolor_secondary = r_color_secondary, -- Added
Gcolor_secondary = g_color_secondary, -- Added
Bcolor_secondary = b_color_secondary, -- Added
pearlescentColor = pearlescentColor,
wheelColor = wheelColor,
wheels = GetVehicleWheelType(vehicle),
customtires1 = GetVehicleModVariation(vehicle, 23), -- Added
customtires2 = GetVehicleModVariation(vehicle, 24), -- Added
windowTint = GetVehicleWindowTint(vehicle),
xenonColor = GetVehicleXenonLightsColour(vehicle),
neonEnabled = {
IsVehicleNeonLightEnabled(vehicle, 0),
IsVehicleNeonLightEnabled(vehicle, 1),
IsVehicleNeonLightEnabled(vehicle, 2),
IsVehicleNeonLightEnabled(vehicle, 3)
neonColor = table.pack(GetVehicleNeonLightsColour(vehicle)),
extras = extras,
tyreSmokeColor = table.pack(GetVehicleTyreSmokeColor(vehicle)),
modSpoilers = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 0),
modFrontBumper = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 1),
modRearBumper = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 2),
modSideSkirt = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 3),
modExhaust = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 4),
modFrame = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 5),
modGrille = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 6),
modHood = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 7),
modFender = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 8),
modRightFender = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 9),
modRoof = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 10),
modEngine = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 11),
modBrakes = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 12),
modTransmission = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 13),
modHorns = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 14),
modSuspension = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 15),
modArmor = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 16),
modTurbo = IsToggleModOn(vehicle, 18),
modSmokeEnabled = IsToggleModOn(vehicle, 20),
modXenon = IsToggleModOn(vehicle, 22),
modFrontWheels = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 23),
modBackWheels = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 24),
modPlateHolder = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 25),
modVanityPlate = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 26),
modTrimA = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 27),
modOrnaments = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 28),
modDashboard = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 29),
modDial = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 30),
modDoorSpeaker = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 31),
modSeats = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 32),
modSteeringWheel = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 33),
modShifterLeavers = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 34),
modAPlate = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 35),
modSpeakers = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 36),
modTrunk = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 37),
modHydrolic = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 38),
modEngineBlock = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 39),
modAirFilter = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 40),
modStruts = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 41),
modArchCover = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 42),
modAerials = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 43),
modTrimB = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 44),
modTank = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 45),
modWindows = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 46),
modLivery = GetVehicleLivery(vehicle),
DashboardColor = GetVehicleDashboardColor(vehicle), -- Added
InteriorColor = GetVehicleInteriorColor(vehicle) -- Added
ESX.Game.SetVehicleProperties = function(vehicle, props)
if DoesEntityExist(vehicle) then
local colorPrimary, colorSecondary = GetVehicleColours(vehicle)
local pearlescentColor, wheelColor = GetVehicleExtraColours(vehicle)
SetVehicleModKit(vehicle, 0)
if props.plate then SetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle, props.plate) end
if props.plateIndex then SetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(vehicle, props.plateIndex) end
if props.bodyHealth then SetVehicleBodyHealth(vehicle, props.bodyHealth + 0.0) end
if props.engineHealth then SetVehicleEngineHealth(vehicle, props.engineHealth + 0.0) end
if props.tankHealth then SetVehiclePetrolTankHealth(vehicle, props.tankHealth + 0.0) end
if props.fuelLevel then SetVehicleFuelLevel(vehicle, props.fuelLevel + 0.0) end
if props.dirtLevel then SetVehicleDirtLevel(vehicle, props.dirtLevel + 0.0) end
-- Removed
-- if props.color1 then SetVehicleColours(vehicle, props.color1, colorSecondary) end
-- if props.color2 then SetVehicleColours(vehicle, props.color1 or colorPrimary, props.color2) end
SetVehicleColours(vehicle, props.color1, props.color2) -- Added
-- Added
if props.Rcolor_primary and props.Gcolor_primary and props.Bcolor_primary then
SetVehicleCustomPrimaryColour(vehicle, props.Rcolor_primary, props.Gcolor_primary, props.Bcolor_primary)
-- Added
if props.Rcolor_secondary and props.Gcolor_secondary and props.Bcolor_secondary then
SetVehicleCustomSecondaryColour(vehicle, props.Rcolor_secondary, props.Gcolor_secondary, props.Bcolor_secondary)
if props.pearlescentColor then SetVehicleExtraColours(vehicle, props.pearlescentColor, wheelColor) end
-- Adjusted
if props.wheelColor then SetVehicleExtraColours(vehicle, props.pearlescentColor, props.wheelColor) end
if props.wheels then SetVehicleWheelType(vehicle, props.wheels) end
-- Added
if props.DashboardColor then SetVehicleDashboardColor(vehicle, props.DashboardColor) end
if props.InteriorColor then SetVehicleInteriorColor(vehicle, props.InteriorColor) end
-- Removed
-- if props.windowTint then SetVehicleWindowTint(vehicle, props.windowTint) end
-- Added
if props.windowTint or props.windowTint == -1 then
if props.windowTint == -1 then
SetVehicleWindowTint(vehicle, 0)
SetVehicleWindowTint(vehicle, props.windowTint)
if props.neonEnabled then
SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(vehicle, 0, props.neonEnabled[1])
SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(vehicle, 1, props.neonEnabled[2])
SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(vehicle, 2, props.neonEnabled[3])
SetVehicleNeonLightEnabled(vehicle, 3, props.neonEnabled[4])
if props.extras then
for extraId,enabled in pairs(props.extras) do
if enabled then
SetVehicleExtra(vehicle, tonumber(extraId), 0)
SetVehicleExtra(vehicle, tonumber(extraId), 1)
if props.neonColor then SetVehicleNeonLightsColour(vehicle, props.neonColor[1], props.neonColor[2], props.neonColor[3]) end
if props.xenonColor then SetVehicleXenonLightsColour(vehicle, props.xenonColor) end
if props.modSmokeEnabled then ToggleVehicleMod(vehicle, 20, true) end
if props.tyreSmokeColor then SetVehicleTyreSmokeColor(vehicle, props.tyreSmokeColor[1], props.tyreSmokeColor[2], props.tyreSmokeColor[3]) end
if props.modSpoilers then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 0, props.modSpoilers, false) end
if props.modFrontBumper then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 1, props.modFrontBumper, false) end
if props.modRearBumper then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 2, props.modRearBumper, false) end
if props.modSideSkirt then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 3, props.modSideSkirt, false) end
if props.modExhaust then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 4, props.modExhaust, false) end
if props.modFrame then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 5, props.modFrame, false) end
if props.modGrille then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 6, props.modGrille, false) end
if props.modHood then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 7, props.modHood, false) end
if props.modFender then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 8, props.modFender, false) end
if props.modRightFender then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 9, props.modRightFender, false) end
if props.modRoof then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 10, props.modRoof, false) end
if props.modEngine then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 11, props.modEngine, false) end
if props.modBrakes then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 12, props.modBrakes, false) end
if props.modTransmission then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 13, props.modTransmission, false) end
if props.modHorns then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 14, props.modHorns, false) end
if props.modSuspension then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 15, props.modSuspension, false) end
if props.modArmor then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 16, props.modArmor, false) end
if props.modTurbo then ToggleVehicleMod(vehicle, 18, props.modTurbo) end
if props.modXenon then ToggleVehicleMod(vehicle, 22, props.modXenon) end
if props.modFrontWheels then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 23, props.modFrontWheels, false) end
if props.modBackWheels then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 24, props.modBackWheels, false) end
if props.modPlateHolder then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 25, props.modPlateHolder, false) end
if props.modVanityPlate then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 26, props.modVanityPlate, false) end
if props.modTrimA then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 27, props.modTrimA, false) end
if props.modOrnaments then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 28, props.modOrnaments, false) end
if props.modDashboard then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 29, props.modDashboard, false) end
if props.modDial then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 30, props.modDial, false) end
if props.modDoorSpeaker then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 31, props.modDoorSpeaker, false) end
if props.modSeats then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 32, props.modSeats, false) end
if props.modSteeringWheel then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 33, props.modSteeringWheel, false) end
if props.modShifterLeavers then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 34, props.modShifterLeavers, false) end
if props.modAPlate then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 35, props.modAPlate, false) end
if props.modSpeakers then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 36, props.modSpeakers, false) end
if props.modTrunk then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 37, props.modTrunk, false) end
if props.modHydrolic then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 38, props.modHydrolic, false) end
if props.modEngineBlock then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 39, props.modEngineBlock, false) end
if props.modAirFilter then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 40, props.modAirFilter, false) end
if props.modStruts then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 41, props.modStruts, false) end
if props.modArchCover then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 42, props.modArchCover, false) end
if props.modAerials then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 43, props.modAerials, false) end
if props.modTrimB then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 44, props.modTrimB, false) end
if props.modTank then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 45, props.modTank, false) end
if props.modWindows then SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 46, props.modWindows, false) end
if props.modLivery then
SetVehicleMod(vehicle, 48, props.modLivery, false)
SetVehicleLivery(vehicle, props.modLivery)
Those who have already purchased can download directly from the download link (Build 1.1)
where do i find the download link? i do own it
Hi? Could you explain better?
Hi sorry I need the download link for your script I did buy this back in July but I can not find my old download link
You could send me by email or privately the purchase transaction id
is there a way to make it on the pricing of the part be different depending on how much the car is worth in the car dealer in the database
Yes it’s possible, I’ll be seeing it and soon I’ll be posting something, it’s not sure
OK what’s the eta?