[Release] Musical Loading Screen [fax-loadscreen][1.2]

I use a VDS and also it takes longer to load into the server and music stops way too early.
Let me know if you have any ideas.

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Is it capable of streaming from the resource? There is no code for how long the music plays for. The music plays for however long the loading screen is displayed for. Meaning that the music should play all the way through and if not it could be the VDS

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Unfortunately, it doesn’t play all the way till the end. I’m out of options at this point. Do you know if mono is required? Also, why people install Mono? What’s the function of it? I dont have it on my vds. Maybe that’s the issue…?

Mono is not required at all. If the music does not play all the way through I’m going to guess that it’s the VDS.

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Any ideas to fix it?

I would have non at the moment. In my discord is a couple links for some good people. Maybe you could use a VPS.


Here’s the log file and at the beginning it actually mentions custom_loadscreen…
CitizenFX.log (229.9 KB)index.html (2.8 KB)

Could I get help with setting up the loading screen and putting music on it?

The songs just don’t play. I don’t hear any music

Are the files of Ogg format and called 1-5.ogg?

What version of this script are you using? Web hosted or resource?

Have you checked the Wiki?

And have you modified any of the files (.html .css .Lua)?

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  • Files are in Ogg format and are called 1.ogg, 2.ogg etc.

  • I use resource. I don’t have more then 2 songs

  • I have checked the wiki

  • I didn’t modify ANY file whatsoever.

And btw. the 3 little orange bars aren’t there too.

Oh wait… Now the music works but cuts after 5 seconds. still don’t have the 3 orange bars

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ok sweet. Do you wanna PM or DM (FAXES#8655) your resource. I should be able to fix the 5 seconds thing :slight_smile:

the orange bars are optional and are commented out by default in the html file. to uncomment them simply open up the html file and remove <!– from line 98 and - -> from 104. and remove
Or if you want I can do it for you if you send the resource.

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Update 1.2

  • Removed the –[[ THIS IS A COOL SET OF ANIMATED BARS UNCOMMENT TO ENABLE ]]– from the html files. They have been changed and re formatted.

  • Removed default loading screen code that was not used

  • Re made the README.txt in music in resource\music\README.txt (made it a .txt file from a .file)

  • Added Wiki for the bar animation - https://github.com/FAXES/fax-loadscreen/wiki/Enabling-bar-animations

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How do I turn down the music?

You have to edit it yourself. You can use any audio editor or online source.


The songs I have keep cutting out rather than playing the full length

How are you hosting the songs?

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I am hosting it via resource

Ok. Its possible your server can’t stream it… Best way is if you have Firefox run the index.html file in that and then see if it cuts out. If it does it’s a coding issue if not your server may not be able to keep up…

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